- 4. 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍 -

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𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽 :

It was the middle of the night as i heard someone calling my name

"stop let me sleep" i mumble, but it won't stop
I opened my eyes and looked directly into Ellie's

"fuck- you scared the shit out of me" i realize she is on top of me as i look at her up and down she notice it and immediately got down so i could sit up
i cleared my throat

"soooo what is so important that you have to wake me up"

"i- well i wanna show you something come with me, now." she says in a very serious and raspy voice

"in the middle of the night seriously? but alright" she gets up and hands me my jacket
so we are going outside
she took my hand again as she literally pulled me outside

"where are we going?" i ask, she doesn't answer instead she just keeps walking 'til we stop
and we are standing in the middle of a field

"ellie please tell me what are we doing here?" i look at her she only gave me a lovely smile while laying down
i was getting more and more confused

"lay down and look up" i do as she says

"oh wow, i can see every star and not a single cloud anywhere to see
i didn't had the chance to do something like that in a long time and now i'm amazed by it"
i keep looking at the sky and enjoy the moment
'til i feel watched so i look at ellie and like i thought she was already looking at me
but why?

"you remind me of the stars they have a certain spark like you do" she says in a heartwarming way

"i- why are you doing all that stuff with me and not with her, 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 girlfriend?" i say while looking back up

"because i- well i just wanted to take 𝒚𝒐𝒖 here? why do you even ask and don't enjoy here?" she sounds upset

"sorry? i didn't wanted to put you in a bad mood" i feel a little guilty for saying such stuff maybe its just a start of us becoming friends?
i don't know

"i'm not in a bad mood its was wrong to take you here, you are bored right? whatever lets go back
we have to leave early anyway so we need some more sleep and we don't wanna end up as a zombie"
she gets up and still sounds upset she started walking back
i go after her, feels like she is running away from me? what did i do?

"god ellie wait!" i run after her and grab her by the shoulder

"what do you want?" she says while rolling her eyes

"i wanted to say i really enjoyed this with you okay?"

"hm okay? is that all? i wanna sleep." i don't know how to react i told her i like it and thats her answer to it?

"i- no i mean yes eh lets go to sleep then i guess"

"night." that's the last thing she says

was woken up by a loud voices sounds like someone is screaming
i get up and walk where the voices coming from
i see dina and ellie screaming at eachother

"fuck ellie where were you last night?" i hear dina saying

"don't be ridiculous! i was only outside thats it"

"thats it? then what did you do? why where you the fuck outside in the middle of the night without saying anything?"

"i didn't do anything dina i just needed fresh air" i hear how ellies voice slowly calms down

"you wanted to leave me right? to take revenge on abby? i knew it"

"no god, you being pathetic i took valerie with me alright?"

"you what? why and where?"

"just because i wanted to? thats the only reason we took a walk to the field and then we came back here"

"oh yeah? why suddenly you being nice to her? why ellie? i mean yeah its great you two get on well together, but now you take her on late night walks?" she keeps getting angrier and all because of me

"because i start liking her and wanna become friends with her"

"doesn't sounds like it" she mumbles while looking down

"calm down dina please.. " i watch how she starts kissing her it looks passionate
i have a uncomfortable feeling in my stomach while watching them

"uhm morning i guess? ready to go?" i look at them with a unsure smile

"mhm we are, come on otherwise we don't make it 'til evening there, walk after us" dina said while not even looking at me

so we start making our way to jesse and tommy
after a few hours it got already dark and i guess dina weren't joking

"sooo how long is this going to take? its already dark" i ask ellie as i was looking at het

"only few more minutes" she answers with a dry voice
i only nod
and finally we arrived at their place
jesse was already waiting for us so i first i got introduced to him and later tommy
soon i sat on a sofa while their were talking about some stuff i couldn't understand what
'til ellie looks in my direction

"valerie come here" i got up and walk towards her

"soo i'm here?"

"well i have a question" she says with a serious tone

"whats up?"

"i want you to come with me i need someone on my side"

"what why?"i was perplexed

"dina is pregnant- uhm and jesse has to stay with her and tommy is too injured to come with me so i asked you?"

"first of tell me where do you wanna go?"

"to search for abby"

"abby?- eh why?" ellies look got questionable

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