- 29. 𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 -

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𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽 :

"mhm i guess, thank you" I replied curtly, it was a dumb action what ellie  did
it was just as stupid to take the pills

"good, now tell me the god damn reason why you took them" she took my head in her hands and wiped away the rest of the puke

"i don't know"

"val, no one takes pills for no reason"

"i just wanted to try"

"try what? exactly?" Now she sounded as if she was about to freak out

"If I would survive it"

"what the actual fuck valerie"

"and i did" I laughed unsure as I tried to lighten the mood

"never do that again" she pulled me into a hug which surprised me

"i won't"

"promise me" she said last

"i promise."

"can I interrupt your sweet conversation?" an familiar voice pulled us out of the conversation and who was standing behind me?
My mother

"not again" I said and Ellie pulled out her gun and aimed at my mother

"so have you decided? War or Valerie?" she asked now
For a while, neither of us said anything until Ellie broke the silence

"War" I turned back to her with a speechless look

"You'll regret that darling" in the next second she whistled once and suddenly there was a group of her army standing around us
I was just about to realize what was happening when the first shot was fired
Immediately, Ellie pressed her Switchblade into my hand
And then one of the group ran up to me and before he could do something
I stabbed him in the neck
I looked over at my mother, but she watched us, she didn't fight at all
I ran and tried to beat as many people as I could, I was still afraid of killing people, but if I need to, I can
about half of them were already lying on the floor and barely moving
So I looked at Ellie, she had just slit someone's throat
A pain spread in my arm, when I looked down I realized it, I was shot
I held my arm until I caught up with the shooter and rammed the knife into his back
i fell with him on the ground , but the knife was still stuck in his back when someone jumped on me and held my arms together upwards, of course i tried to that fight him and push him away, but I didn't succeed
finally, I gave him a kick in the crotch and had the opportunity to roll onto him
Next, I tried to hit him with my bare hand, which succeeded at first, but over time the power left my hand
so he put his hands around my neck and I couldn't breathe, I wanted to scream for ellie, but I didn't have the air to do that
he pulled me forward so that my head hit the ground next to him
My eyes went black for a moment until my body got weak and I let myself fall to the side, I only saw how he got up and ran away
I had to cough and saw that I was spitting blood, which was not a good sign
When the screams that were around me stopped, it seems like everyone was dead
I saw someone above me, it wasn't ellie

"That wasn't the end yet, darling, I'll come back and you know that, and not only 30% but 100%" my mother threatened me when the next moment Ellie knelt in front of me and helped me get up

"You've been hit hard," she said as she looked at me

"whatever, you killed them all" I gave her a slight smile even if that doesn't fit the situation at all

"i love you val. You need to know that" I looked into her eyes as she said it and my heart burst into flames

"i love you too" She kissed me after the last word left my mouth

"But we have to go, where do you want to go back or continue traveling?"

"I think I would like to continue looking for something we could sleep at, for a few days or as long as it is possible
the next trouble is already coming, and she doesn't come alone" I looked at her seriously



"whos she with?" she finally asked me

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