- 28. 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓? -

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𝑬𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽 :

valerie ran straight into my arms out of breath

"abby..yes she is alive so we have to run back get our stuff" she held on to me as she looked at me.

"calm down" I put a hand on her cheek

"no but abby please just lets go"

"we will go val but always with the calm, explain to me now exactly what happened"

"she came out of nowhere and attacked me, i almost died but thats not the point.. we somehow got along again in some way.."

"huh?" i didn't want to believe what I heard

"and that's why we must leave before she kills you el, she told me to go back to you so fucking let go" she took me by her arms and pulled me behind her to the cave where we were half an hour ago

"well that's a lot at once" I watch her again as she already packed shimmer with our things

"come on" she already got on the horse and made a hint that I should get behind her

"definitely not,you sit behind" she did what I said and I liked how she obeyed me
Did I really have that much power over her?
when I rode off, she was nervous all the time
I knew that something was off

"can you go faster please?" she asked all of a sudden

"I'm already trying to do my best Val, calm the fuck down" she continued to fidget so after some time I stopped and the moment she almost fell down

"keep going" I turned around and saw her nose start bleeding

"god.." I got off and lifted her down so that she can sit down for a while, I gave her a piece of my shirt for her nose


"its okay, just don't stress yourself that much. i told you i'm not planning on dying" I gave her a gentle smile
She nodded and stood up again, so the journey continued.
I think we arrived at an old camp where nobody lived anymore
But somewhere I heard a beeping

"Do you hear that noise?" val asked me

"mhm I do" I said as I looked over the camp
and exactly in the next second
I felt myself hitting the ground
Next, I had pressure on my ears and it looked like everything was in slow motion
Where is Valerie?
It cost me strength to get up when I finally made it, I tried to see something but it was all full of smoke

"ellie??" I heard her, luckily it seems like she is okay so I followed her voice and when I found her I helped her to stand up

"are you okay?"

"yes i guess so" she answers
the smoke slowly passed and I saw shimmer lying there

"Oh shit... unfortunately we have to walk now"
But what do you expect, at some point everyone dies, right?
I held a hand on my arm and saw the blood running down.

"you are bleeding"

"doesn't matter" I pressed my hand harder on it and tried to stop the bleeding
valerie pulled my hand away from my arm and looked at the wound, she went behind me and took a needle and thread out of my backpack

"let me fix this"

"i can do that myself" I was about to stop her from stitching the wound when she took me by the arm with such a firm grip that I couldn't really defend myself, so she started stitching my wound up again.
I was already used to this pain it was nothing new
So she was finally done, I was looking into her eyes and she looked like she was completely high.

"lets go now, we don't have shimmer anymore so we have to walk and that will take even more time" she pulled me up by my other arm and pulled me into a kiss that didn't feel like usual.
so I interrupted the kiss

"valerie what is going on?" she looked at me with a weird smile

"nothing everything is fine, so please lets go"

"wait.." ich took my bag and searched it until I found the pills to relieve pain, I took them out of Dina's house when we left and now they were only half full, I saw valerie's look change to an anxious look

"and now?" she emphasized it as if she knew nothing about it.

"did you have any pain you wanted to alleviate?" she now looked down at me to the tablets


"when did you took them?"

"never" another lie

"val, when?" I had to know finally she swallowed half

"today in the morning, before you woke up" she finally gave up
but that didn't mean anything good, now everything fits together with the nosebleed, I should have known she makes such a shit again
I put the pills back in my backpack, and in the next moment grabbed her neck, so that she had to lean forward a bit

"so and now you gonna throw up"

"ellie what are you doing, stop" when she said that, I already took my finger and put it in her throat, she made a few choking noises, but she did not throw up.
so I continued after she tried to knock my arm away anyway and she threw up several times.


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