-20. 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 -

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𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆

𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽 :

"please take it not to serious okay? so well my parents aren't dead they are the leader of the scars and we've been spying on you and joel since the hospital and well then all that stuff with abby happend isn't that crazy? i ran away because i couldn't kill any people and now i just killed abby" i took a deep breath und laughed sarcastically and it took a little while for ellie to realize what I was saying

"not to serious? that shit is fucking serious" her mouth stand slightly open
"and they're chasing you all the way here from seattle? and they are also after me all these years? what the fuck i never knew anything of this"

"yeah..." I said, nodding

"mhm alright" she pressed her lips together and looked like she was about to freak out.

"everything alright?" i asked cautiously.


"doesn't seem like it"

"uhm yes.. I just need fresh air" when she got up her expression was not changed she even forgot her jacket when she went out only a few seconds later she came back in

"already back?" i asked

"yeah and i think we should tell the others"

"what? no you said they wouldn't trust me at all anymore"

"i know what i said but come on now that i helped you and defended you they will come after me too, so we need help, valerie real help" i looked at her and saw her desperate look


"no i'm gonna talk to them i don't care if you want me to or not"

"you can't just tell them my whole life story, please don't" I wanted to get up but everything was spinning around me

"i can, and while i'm telling them about you, you gonna stay here and sleep or whatever but you won't move, i don't want you to get hurt again" I sat down again

"so i'm just gonna stay here like this? oh come on don't be like that"

"like what exactly?"

"like you know everything better" I did not want to let her tell the others all this

"but i guess i do know everything better at least right now"

"whatever you gonna do it anyways, no matter how much i would 𝑏𝑒𝑔 for you to not tell them"

"you can beg for other things" i see a grin forming on her face

"no ellie, don't flirt with me" I couldn't suppress a smile

"see, you are smiling again"

"yeah but that doesn't change my opinion"

"i can also bring them here If you want to be present? hm?"

"no thank you i don't wanna get tose looks from them yk" i say when I abdicated

"its not like they gonna kill you okay? yeah maybe they gonna be fucking mad.."

"still that doesn't make anything better, please think about it"

"no thats my decision , i'll tell them or we all gonna die" I saw her determined expression


"good thank you"

"i know i already said this a few times but please i don't wanna be alone"

"so you want to take you with me?"

"please?" i say as she looks at me

"alright.. but you gonna rest for at least a day after we talked to them alright?" I nodded
she helped me to get ul and we walked off slowly she called a meeting for the group.
after a few minutes, they also came to the community Hall

"ellie whats going on its in the middle of tue night, god." sina came into the hall when she said that, jesse and tommy and a few of the others also came
we all sat down on a table
as ellie began to speak
my leg started to shake i was getting nervous

"so i wanna talk about something" she says

"go on"said jesse when he twisted his arms

"its about valerie, basically the truth is the scars attacked us because they are after me and her, and valeries parents are the leaders" i looked around and noticed her uncomfortable looks lying on me

"what the fuck ellie.. so she is one of them?" jesse interfered

"yes but that's not the point, she ran away because she couldn't stay there, so and now that i know they are after me we have to be prepared, so don't even think to start a discussion" she looked at everyone with a serious look and then she looked at me

"i would gladly help you but not her, shes gonna kill us if something goes wrong" tommy says while looking at her and then at me

"told you" I looked at Ellie

"no tommy, we gonna fight together."

"well i'm in" as dina said that I was surprised I thought she wouldn't even like me anymore after all this.

"soo what about you guys?" ellie averted her gaze from me and looked over at the boys.

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