Memories Of The Past

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Chapter 3: 

Ahhhhh!” My muffled scream echoed through the empty streets of my neighborhood.

Nate chucked and it vibrated my hands that were on his stomach; which I might add that was freaking hard as a rock! I was squeezing him so hard I’m surprised he hasn’t died yet! I knew I shouldn’t have gotten on this stupid thing! I just know I’m going to die. 

“You can let go now sweetheart.” Nate said chuckling slightly.

I kept my head buried on his back. 

“Are you sure?” I said shaking like a person in a freezer.

“Yes!” he exclaimed.

I slowly got off the motorcycle shaking really badly. I couldn’t believe I was this stupid to get on a f*cking bike with him. Sorry for my French. I am so mad; he told me he wouldn’t go fast! LIAR.

“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU!” I said fuming.

“Can’t believe what?!” he said acting all innocent.

Yeah, right! He wasn’t innocent! He drove freaking 70 mph, on a street; not a highway. If he only knew why I was so terrified of these things.. 

“YOU TOLD ME YOU WOULDN’T DRIVE FAST!” I exclaimed about to rip his frigging head off.

“Hey, look I’m sorry. I just got so caught up with the wind blowing through my luscious hair.” He said smirking.

He really had the nerve to smirk right now? I was fuming and shaking at the same time! PLUS, how did he know where I lived!?

“SCREW YOU.” I said raging, I had a tears forming in my eyes.

This brought back a lot of memories. I just can’t stand to think about them. No one ever knew besides my parents, and no one will ever find out.

“Look, what’s the big deal?” He said curious. 

“WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL!? IT’S A BIG DEAL BECAUSE… You know what. Just don’t offer me a ride home for awhile. Just don’t.” I said trying to keep my voice from wavering, swallowing a sob that was forming in my throat.

From the look of his face he could tell that I was trying to hold it in. I couldn’t start crying in front of this jerk. Knowing him he would tell the whole freaking school. So I turned around and started walking up the sidewalk to my house. 

“Sorry.. I didn’t mean to make you upset.” He said sounding actually sorry.

I ignored him and walked inside and slammed the door. I could tell by the silence of the house that my parents were working late again. They were both doctors so they barely came home. I silently slid down the wall of the door and started sobbing. I can’t believe he drove that fast. I shouldn’t be mad at him but he doesn’t know what happened. Every time I try to talk about it, I end up choking up and can’t talk anymore. It was all my fault. Even though my parents told me it wasn’t, I know it was. I shouldn’t have- BEEP BEEP.The sound of my phone beeping took me out of my thoughts. 

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