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Chapter 16:

Nate's POV

I looked down at Carrie waiting for her answer. She looked completely shocked. I started to get worried and backed up. A good 5 minutes passed by and I started to get really scared. Crap, what was I thinking?! It’s way too early. She’s not going to say yes. I was about to say “Forget it.” But her voice stopped me. 

“Yes.” She said pulling me back to her.

I smiled and let out a deep breath. 

“Did you not think I would say yes?” She asked.

“Well, you took a while to say something back! Of course I thought you wouldn’t.” I said sounding exasperated.

“Nate, you might act like an ass sometimes.” She started.

I felt my heart drop a bit. She thought that?

“But, you are very sweet and are here for me more than anyone else has been in a while.” She finished.

“I will always be for you Sweetheart.” I said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. 

“I know you will.” She said softly and putting her hand on my cheek.

“Just to let you know, I don’t mean to be an ass.” I said softly.

She nodded her head and went to the fridge grabbed the syrup and butter. Then sat down at one of the island chairs. I sat down next to her and waited till she was finished with the butter. Then she handed the butter to me and I put it on my three waffles. While she was pouring the syrup on hers I checked my phone. I remembered I needed to check Jake’s messages. 10 freaking messages and 5 missed calls! Holy crap. I clicked on my messages, of course they were all from Jake. It’s only been a day since I’ve talked to him. 

From: Jake

To: Me


Dude?! Where are you? We had practice early this morning. Coach flipped when you weren’t there. 


From: Jake

To: Me




From: Jake

To: Me


I drove passed your house man, where are you? 


From: Jake

To: Me


Are you with Caroline? You did say you would ask her about Ally and me. 

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