Hangovers Suck

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Chapter 19:

Caroline’s POV


    I jumped up out of my seat getting startled by the bell. It’s lunch and I still haven’t seen Nate. Maybe he ditched because he was embarrassed to be seen with me when we’re dating? Nah. He did seem pretty upset about his dad not coming. But I didn’t think he would stay home because of it. Also, his smile was fake last night. 

Should I call him? No. We just started dating I can’t  be the pushy, obsessive, clingy girlfriend. I’ll just call him after soccer practice. That reminds me, I have dance practice tomorrow. 

    I was walking towards the lunchroom when I heard someone scream my name. I bet it’s Ally. I turned around and guess who it was? Ally. Told you. She always screams my name.

"Is Nate here yet?” She said catching up with me breathing hard.

“Nope. Maybe he’s just embarrassed to be seen with me.” I mumbled shrugging my shoulders.

“I don’t think he’s like that Carrie. From what you’ve told me about him, he seems like a pretty good guy.” Ally says seriously.

“Well let’s hope that I didn’t make a mistake dating him.” I said while walking into the lunch room. 

“I don’t think you did. But we’ll see! I’m going to our table! I’m not hungry.” She said walking away from me. 

    I walked up to the line and waited a couple seconds to see what they were serving. It was Hot wings or Bosco Sticks. I chose the hot wings. I grabbed a water bottle and went to pay. As soon as I was done in line I walked over to the table and sat down. As I sat down the whole table stopped what they were doing and went dead silent.

    I gave a really confused look and looked around at them. They all had this serious look on their face; like they were waiting for me to tell them something. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Stupid Ally blabbed her mouth. 

"What is it you want to know?” I asked sighing loudly. 

“What happened this weekend exactly?” Asked Rebecca.

“Uhmm. What are you talking about?” I said innocently. 

“You know what we’re talking about!” Brad said not so quietly. 


I shushed him while looking around at the other tables. 

“Geeze, not so loud there.” I said whispering. 

“What is it?” Matt whispered. 

“I-I-” I started to stay.

YOU WHAT?!” Brad yelled impatiently. 

"Shut up, or I’m not telling you.” I said while covering his mouth with my hand

“Okay sorry.” He said after I took my hand off his mouth.

“I’mdatingNate.” I said as fast as I could. 


I was expecting them all to scream. But all they did was look at me with disbelieving faces and laughed. I can’t believe they laughed! I looked at the only person not laughing, and it was Nick.

“I’m happy for you, but if he does anything, and I mean ANYTHING to hurt you, I will personally kick his ass.” Nick said seriously. 

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