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PLEASE READ *This has been an amazing experience writing this book! Thank you for all the support! I really appreciate it! I’m most likely going to be starting another book! Lately a lot of people have told me that I should! So, I am! I have also learned other, better ways to write. Just from this passed couple months. Sorry it’s been so long! But I’ve been getting a lot of comments lately, so I figured, why not?! This chapter will be the end of the book. Thank you for all the people that have been here since the first chapter!*


Carrie’s POV

“I do.”

    I smiled, tears shining in my eyes. I am so happy. I look over passed the bride and groom to see my husband, smiling right at me. I love Nate so much. We have been married for about 5 years now and are still going strong. High School wasn’t too rough. Yes, we had our fights, but always made up. Nate and I loved each other too much to let each other go. I brought myself back to reality when I felt a nudge on my arm.

    I looked up at Nate to see him holding out his arm for me to walk down the isle with him. I looked ahead and saw that Ally and Jake had already walked out. Yes, that’s right! Ally and Jake got married! There relationship wasn’t as successful as ours at first. They broke up a little after they started dating, deciding to just be friends. But after Highs School they ended up going to the same college, and started to date again. All of our friends actually made a bet that they would be back together.

     It’s been about 7 years since we all graduated High School. Ally and I graduated College last year with out Medical Degrees. We were both going to work at the same hospital. Jake and Nate graduated almost 2 years ago. They majored in Business. As of right now, they both own a huge company together. Nate is the CEO and Jake is the Co-CEO. You could say we were both pretty proud of our men.

“We did it Ally! We got married to amazing men, and are starting a new chapter in our lives!” Ally squealed, running towards me. Squeezing the living daylights out of me.

“I know! It’s crazy to think that we were just in Junior High, crushing over the latest Boy Band.” I spoke.

“I miss those days!” She said, getting tears in her eyes.

“Hey! NO crying on your wedding day!” I told her sternly.

    She laughed, and let out a sob.

“Oh no you don’t!” I warned.

    She chuckled, then busted out into a full fit of giggles. Soon enough I was laughing around with her. I hugged her with all my might. I was sure gonna miss having our girl nights. But, I am incredibly happy for her. I got happy tears in my eyes. I quickly blinked them away, making sure Ally wouldn’t see them. We pulled back and smiled at each other.

“I will always be your best friend, Carrie. No matter what! We’re going to be working at the same place, so it will be like nothing has changed!” She said smiling.

“And you will be mine. Friends forever?” I asked.

“Friends forever.”

    We both made our way into the reception hall. Nate and Jake were over talking to some of their friends from work, and Ally’s parents were chatting with her family.

    That reminds me of my parents. After the wonderful night with Nate at the waterfall spot, Nate had told me that I should call my parents. At first I was a little against the idea, but soon realized it was a good idea. When I called of course they didn’t answer. So I left a long voicemail telling them how I felt. Next thing you know they were home. Literally, the next day. No joke. I was completely shocked. They came into the door with depressed faces.

*7 years ago*

“Mom? Dad?” I spoke, puzzled.

“We are so sorry hunny! We should have been here more for you! We don’t think that your brother’s death was your fault!” My mom said.

    I didn’t say anything, just stood there. Nate was off to the side, listening quietly.

“You have to believe us.” My dad pleaded.

    Then I snapped.

“I BELIEVE YOU!? I’ve been home alone almost every day since he died! What do you think it did to me!? I loved him as much as you did! But no, you just thought of yourselves. He was my brother, I loved him so much it hurts. I think about him all the time! I walk passed his room every freaking day and I can’t bring myself to go in there.” I said tears spilling out of my eyes.

    Now it was their turn to be speachless.
“I know I was the reason we crashed! I was stupid to think that I could drive while drinking! Ryan always told me everything, and so I did I. He told me that he didn’t want to go to college, and who didn’t know that? YOU! You guys never listened to him. Always told him to strive to get better, when he was already perfect! Straight A student, nice, smart, and an amazing football player! You can’t get a kid better than that. And then there’s me. Average grade student, and a small group of friends. Everyone knew that he was your favorite. I was always in the sidelines, and even when he died.” I said crying.

    Nate came out and wrapped an arm around my waist.

“I think you deserve her an apology.” Nate said in a low voice.

“And who are you?” My father asked rudely.

“You’re daughter’s boyfriend. I have seen what you’ve been putting her through, and I think it’s about time you give her a damn apology. A BETTER ONE.” He said getting mad.

“I think you should leave. This is a family matter.” My father said back.

“Actually, I think it’s time for you to leave. Come back when you want to really apologize.” I said.

“We are not leaving our own house.” My mom gasped.

“Uh, yes you are. I’ve been living here on my own for awhile. So technically this isn’t your house. Now leave!” I pointed to the door.


“GET THE HELL OUT!” I shouted.
    They dropped their heads in defeat and walked out.


    After that my relationship had gotten a lot better with my parents. They stayed home for awhile, until we got everything worked out. They liked the newly decorated house, too. So that made me happy. We all caught up with things. It turned out that my parents loved Nate. Once they realized he was here to stay, they figured it was time to get a long with him. I think they might actually love him more than me.

    I told my parents about the Creeper, Frank. They flipped out and called the cops. I tried to tell them not to, but they wouldn’t listen. As of right now, Frank is in a Psych Ward.  He plead guilty but instead of sending him to jail they sent him there. Now he is in a padded room with a straight jacket. It all worked out. Everything was finally put into place. Nate’s parents finally came home and got everything straightened out. I even got to meet them. Some people hate their in-laws, but I love mine.

Nate’s POV

    I looked over at my beautiful date, standing of to the side looking like she was in a deep thought. I loved her so much. Her smile when she laughed, the shimmer in her eyes when she is happy, and her little nose when it crinkles in various situations. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

“Hello, sweetheart.” I said smiling.


“Will you dance with me?”

“Yes, I will.”

    I laughed at her formal response. I took her hand and led her out to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. She then wrapped her arms around my neck, playing with the little hairs at the base of my neck. Which she knew that was my weak spot. I shivered, while she laughed. If I could hear one thing for the rest of my life, it would be her laugh. They way she throws back her head when she laughs is cute. I hope she will pass that down to our little boy or girl one day. Honestly, I think that I love her more than I did in High School. If that is even possible. Sadly, I think that her parents might even love me more than she does. Haha.
    After her parents came home it was a little hectic for awhile. But soon enough it started to simmer down a little. Carrie no longer hated her parents now, but they are still not as close as they could be. They are still getting closer and closer every day though. Her parents came and visited us at college, and came to the wedding. As of right now they are traveling around the world. Not for work either. I still think that Carrie is iffy around her parents. I don’t  blame her. Some her childhood got ruined, even though she was 18. At that age she still shouldn’t have had to think that. No kid should, doesn’t matter what age.

“Nate?” My Sweetheart says.

“Hm?” I ask.

“What are you thinking about?” She asked.

“Just thinking about the years before.” I said smiling.

“Oh the good old days.” She said laughing.

“I know, being young and not having anything to worry about.” I spoke, staring into her eyes.

“Yeah, nothing to worry about.” She mumbled, looking down.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, worried.

“Well, I went to the doctors this morning…” She started.


“I’m pregnant.” She whispered, smiling.

    I busted out into a huge grin. I couldn’t believe it! My sweatheart is pregnant! I jumped up and pumped my fist. She giggled and shook her head.

You know how things have endings, well they have beginnings too.

    Hoped you liked this! I know it was short, but I’m having writer’s block! Last chapter of the whole entire book! Hope you’re not disappointed! There will be another book in the future. Leave your thoughts in the comments, and PLEASE VOTE! Last time on this book! About to cry!



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