You Better Watch Out

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Chapter 22:

Carrie’s POV


I slid down the side of the wall and started to cry loudly, not caring if Nate could hear me, which I doubt he could.


I had my head in my hands while sitting on the floor when I heard someone walk in. I didn’t care and just kept on crying. I wish Ryan were here, he would be able to comfort me and tell me that everything would be alright. He would have never missed my 18th birthday. Before I knew it I was starting to cry again. I miss him so much. 

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and put me onto their lap. I smelt his Kelvin Klein cologne and knew it was Nate. I turned around in his lap to where I was curled into a little ball with my hand fisted on the front of his shirt, bunching it up. As I cried into his chest I could hear him whispering comforting words into my ear. It made me relax feeling his fingertips rub small circles on my hips, and him kissing my temple. I started to calm down, but I was still shaking. I snuggled deeper into his chest and sniffed. 

“Sweetheart, why are you crying?” He asked softly

I shivered as I felt his lips brush lightly on my ear.

“M-My parents aren’t going to be home for another month.” I whispered.

“And they’re going to miss my 18th birthday.” I continued.

“Wait, they are going to miss your 18th birthday?” Nate said anger in his tone.

“Yeah.” I said quietly.

Waiting for him to say something I snuggled deeper into his chest and tried not to start crying again.

“Why won’t they be here?” He asked running his hands softly through my hair.

I sighed and said, “Something about a stupid business trip, and how it’s such an amazing opportunity.” 

“That’s no excuse to miss your daughters 18th birthday!” Nate said practically growling. 

“Shh. It’s okay. They’ve missed plenty of my birthdays, this one is no different.” I said lying.

“You can’t lie to me Sweetheart. I know when you are lying.” He said pulling my face up to his.

“Oh really? How?” I asked.

“Your hands start to fidget, and you bite your cheek.” He said simply.

“And how do you know this? We’ve only been dating for almost 3 days!” I said exasperated.

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