I Let All My Worries Go For Now.

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Chapter 28:

Carrie’s POV

“How long has this been happening, Miss Summers?” The chubby officer asked.

“I’d say about 2 weeks. No more than 3.” I said seriously.

    He didn’t say anything, he just kept nodding and writing down what I said. After getting here with Nate, we were both taken to these grey rooms with those two-way windows, but separately. We’ve been in here for almost two hours. The same officer that knocked on my door has been asking me many of questions like, who, when, what, and where. I’ve told him everything, from the beginning to now. Since the police know about my brother, I had no problem telling them about it. They knew the reason why no one knew about it, it was because of my stupid parents and their reputations. Honestly, who cares if you won’t be taken seriously after the death of your son!?

“Miss?” The officer said.

“Yes?” I said blinking.

“You are free to leave; I think we have everything we need for now. We will call you if we have any questions. Then, we will let you know if you need a lawyer or not.” He said sternly.

    I looked at him closely and almost gasped. How could I have forgotten him!? He’s the one that talked to me about my brother. No wonder he’s been so nice these passed few hours.

“Thank you.” I said smiling softly, and walked out of the room.

    Once I got out of the ugly, boring, grey room I walked into the waiting area to see that Nate wasn’t there. I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion. Where was he? I looked around and didn’t see him anywhere so I walked over to one of the seats and sat down. About 20 minutes later, Nate came strolling into the waiting area. I sat straight up and walked over to him.

“Where have you been?” I asked worriedly.

“I’ve been in the room. How long have you been out?” Nate asked.

“About 20 minutes. What took so long?” I asked.

“Well, they wanted to know about the notes and everything. So that’s what took longer.” He said casually.

“Oh, okay. And like I said earlier, I really appreciate you keeping those notes, calling the police, and being here for me. The police wouldn’t have been called if it weren’t for you.” I said looking up at him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

“It’s nothing. I will do anything for you, I love you.” He said before giving me a peck on the lips.

    I was about to say it back but he interrupted me.

“Now, let’s get out of this hell hole.” He said dragging me out the doors and to the car.

    We got into the car and I looked at the time, holy shit cakes! It’s freaking almost 10! Last time I checked the time it was like 5 something. Time sure does fly by, even when you aren’t having fun.

“Do you want to go to my house, Sweetheart?” He asked starting up the car.

“Yes, please. I do not feel like going back home right now.” I said sighing.

“Okay, I’m proud of you.” Nate said pulling out of the parking lot.

“Why?” I asked confused.

“Because you are actually handling it pretty well.” He said smiling.

“Am I supposed to be freaking out?” I asked kind of offended.

“No, no. Well, yeah. Not in a bad way though!” He said.

“I think it’s just the adrenaline. By tomorrow or late tonight it will probably kick in.” I said shrugging.

    He didn’t answer, he just kept driving and 20 minutes later we pulled up to his house. I didn’t waste any time to jump out of the car and run up to his door, and then waited for him to unlock it. Once I got in I plopped onto the couch. Sighing realizing tomorrow we have school. I knew that I had to go, at least by 12 because of dance practice. I know your probably wondering why I haven’t had volleyball practice, but it’s because we don’t have practice till Friday. I was almost asleep when I felt Nate pick me up and then set me on his bed. I muttered an ‘I love you.’ and fell into a deep sleep.

I let all my worries go for now.



Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! And I know, I know, it's really freaking short! BUT! I will try to update a longer one soon! I've been to friend's houses everyday since Saturday, today was my really ONLY day to update. And tomorrow I am going on a Float Trip! This is a boring chapter but the next one will hopefully be longer and more interesting! Sadly, this book only has about 5 more chapters to it! I am most likely going to make another book! COMMENT AND TELL ME IF I SHOULD! And, since it will be my second book, I am going to try to update FASTER and LONGER chapters. (: VOTE PLEASE!


-Kinsey xx

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