Doing Homework is Hard to Do With This Distractin Jerk

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Chapter 17:

Caroline’s POV

    As soon as Nate kissed me I started to get more butterflies in my stomach even worse than before. I melted into his arms and kissed him back. He was a really great kisser, I thought. I pulled out of the kiss remembering that school was tomorrow and I had a ton of homework.

“Oh my gosh. I have so much homework to do tonight!” I said pulling out of the kiss.

“Can’t that wait for later?” Nate breathed huskily.

“NO! Sorry, but homework is more important than kissing!” I said looking up at him.

“Are you crazy?!” He said with wide eyes.

“Uh. Yeah? I have to keep my grades up for all the activities I’m doing!”  I said pouted.

“You will just fine! You are very smart.” He said looking at me with nothing but honesty in his eyes.

“Awh. You’re so sweet. But I still gotta do my homework, babe.” I said tapping his cheek slightly and turning around.

“Fineeee.” He whined.

    Halfway walking down the hall I could hear Nate trudging behind me. I chuckled to myself, we have just began dating and he’s already following me like a lost puppy.

“What are you laughing at?” He said whining still.

“Oh nothinggg.” I said smiling to myself.

“Okay?” Nate said in a confused tone.

    I shook my head and kept walking up to my room. I could still hear him walking behind me. Once I got to my room I turned around towards Nate.

“Are you still pouting?” I asked in a teasing voice.

“Nope.” He said popping the ‘p’.

“Okay.” I said.

“You know this is only the second time I’ve been in your room.” He said walking to my desk and looking at my volleyball picture.

“And?” I asked.

“And nothing. I was just saying.” He said shrugging.

“You’re an ass. You know that right?” I said giggling.

    Oh dear, what has this world come to!? Not even a day of dating and I’m turning into a school girl.

“Yes, but I’m your ‘ass’.” He said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

“Yes, you are.” I whispered leaning into him.

    Doing homework is going to be hard.

I follow back so you should follow me. ;) SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN OVER TWO WEEEKS! I feel so bad! This is a really short chapter because I'm at my friend's house and I'm really tired. This is a really boring chapter so I am sorry for that too, lol. Hope you like this chapter! MAYBE if this gets like 5 votes, and 10 reads I will update tonight or tomorrow!


-Kinsey xx

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