Today Is A Good Day

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Chapter 30:

Carrie’s POV

“Nate! Wake up!” I yelled.

    I have been trying to wake Nate up for about 5 minutes now. I have tried everything; jumping on the bed, shaking him, yelling in his ear, and open the blinds and turned on the light. He was not budging, and it was making me mad. An idea popped into my head. I snickered; maybe he will wake up if I kiss him.

    I crawled back into bed and pulled up down the blanket to where it was down to his waist. I smirked and trailed my hands up his abs, skimming the skin, making it so it will tickle. He groaned and rolled onto his stomach, then squashed his face into the pillow more. I giggled at his face. I trailed my fingertips up his bag as I did to his stomach. He groaned and flipped onto his back. I giggled again and climbed onto his lap, straddling him. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. I pulled back and looked at him. My long brown hair fell down creating a curtain around us.

“Are you finally going to wake up?” I asked laughing.

“Yes, if you do that again.” Nate said huskily.

    I laughed and gave him a peck on the lips and rolled off him.

“That’s all?” He pouted.

“Yes! That’s all! I’ve been trying to wake you up for about 10 minutes!” I said.

“10 minutes? That’s not possible!” He said shocked.

“Well it is! I tried everything. I yelled in your ear, shook you, jumped on the bed, opened the blinds, and turned on the light!” I exclaimed.

“Oh that’s why it was bright.” Was his simple reply.

“Oh my gosh.” I said shaking my head, before putting my face into the pillows.

“What?” He said chuckling.

“You!” I said giggling.

    Why was I so giggly this morning?

“What about me!?” Nate asked.

“You! It’s just funny because you don’t even think its weird how I’ve been trying to wake you up for 10 minutes.” I said laughing taking my face out of the soft pillow.

“When I’m really tired I sleep and it’s hard to wake me up.” He said shrugging.

“Hmm.” I said.

“Yup.” He said popping the ‘p’.

    I didn’t answer and just let us sit in comfortable silence. I remembered something.

“Wait, how did the cop know to come to your house last night?” I asked confused.

“I told them that we would most likely be at my house because I knew you wouldn’t want to be home.” He said pulling me closer to him.

“Oh. I see. And what time is it?” I asked.

    He picked up his phone from his nightstand and looked before setting it back down.

“It’s 8:04 a.m.” He said.

“Okay,” I said before stopping. “SHIT! What day is it!?” I asked reaching across from him to grab his phone and seen that it was Monday!

“It’s freaking Monday! We have school!” I said before jumping out of bed.

“Oh crap.” He mumbled before jumping out too.

“I’m going to take a shower!” I yelled while running to get into the shower.

“Me too!” He yelled amusingly.

“Nuh uh.” I said pushing him back.

“I know, I was joking Sweetheart. I’ll just go into my parent’s room and take a shower.” He said shrugging.

“That’s a better idea.” I said winking.

“Don’t tempt me!” He yelled.

    I winked again, before squealing and running into the bathroom, locking it.

“You’re going to regret that!” He laughed through the door.

    I laughed loudly and started stripping. I threw my clothes in the corner of the bathroom and turned on the water all the way up to hot. I love taking hot showers, even in the Summer. I jumped in and let the steaming water hit my skin. Oh my goodness this feels good. When I get mad or upset I used to take hot showers. However, now I haven’t been because I’ve been with Nate. I am so happy I have him. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have been able to cope with Frank; or wouldn’t have been able to get rid of him for at least a long time. But that also makes me a little worried. What if he decides I’m not good enough for him? I mean he could do MUCH better. I have boring brown eyes, brown hair, and I’m not the skinniest. That would kill me if he would just leave. I trust him with everything, even though I’ve only known him for about a week. I now realize I don’t know that much about him. Well, I know the important stuff, but not the little things, like favorite color, movie, music, and etc.

    I shook those thoughts out of my head, making a mental note to ask him later and hurried up and washed my hair and body. About 5-10 minutes later, I was out of the shower and drying myself off. I wrapped the soft white towel around me and hopped out of the shower. Not literally of course. I looked over at my dirty clothes and realized I had nothing to wear. I walked over to the bathroom door, and peeked out looking for Nate. I see him pulling a black shirt over his body.

“Nate?” I asked quietly.

“Yes, sweetheart?” He asked turning around.

“I don’t have any clean clothes.” I said.

“Don’t think I’m a creep. But, one day I grabbed some clean clothes for you putting them in my car in case something happened.” He said sheepishly.

“You went through my panties drawer?!” I shouted embarrassed.

“Yeah.” He said blushing.

    I laughed at him blushing but tried to keep a serious face.

“I’m not going to say anything else. Could you please bring them to me?” I asked.

“Y-Yeah. Sure.” He stuttered before rushing out of the room.

    I laughed loudly. Haha, I wonder why he’s so embarrassed. I’m over it because it’s not a big deal; I mean he’s seen me fully naked. I trust him not to show my undies to his friends. A couple seconds later I see him coming into the room all flustered. He walked over to me and started rambling.

“Here’s your clothes! I’m sorry I-” I cut him off by giving him a quick peck on the lips before smiling very big.

“It’s fine. Thank you for the clothes.” I said before snatching the bag out of his hands and took one last look at his shocked and confused face before shutting the door.

    I looked at the clothes he picked out for me and they weren’t that bad. It was a ombre high-low shirt that went from blue to white and black shorts. He had some nice taste. I looked at my bra and underwear and could have killed myself that very moment, the bra was red and lacy with matching all lace underwear. KILL ME NOW. I cannot believe he saw those! Of course, he would pick those! They are the only lacy ones I have. I shook my head and put my clothes on. I searched through his cabinets and found deodorant. Well? I can’t stink; I rather smell like a guy then stink. I pulled out one of his drawers and found an extra toothbrush then put toothpaste on it and started brushing my teeth. I didn’t brush them last night, so I brushed them for like 5 minutes. I know I should be rushing but I’m not, because my first class is Social Studies. And we all know I hate social studies. I then brushed my hair and left it natural. I usually don’t wear that much make up so wearing nothing today didn’t matter.

    I through my towel into the dirty clothes hamper and picked up my dirty clothes. I headed for the door and opened it to see Nate lying down on the bed with his hands behind his head. I laughed and put my clothes by his dresser and went and plopped down next to him.

“Come on. We have to go to school.” I said poking him in the cheek.

“I don’t wanna.” He whined.

“I don’t either. I even have practice today!” I said frowning.

“Fine.” He grumbled and got up.

“I mean, we don’t have to rush.” I said innocently.

“Why?” He asked suspicious.

“Ihavesocialstudiesrightnow.” I mumbled really quick.

“You what?” Nate asked.

“I have social studies right now.” I mumbled again.

“Haha, you sure do hate that class.” He smirked.

“Yes, now take your time getting there.” I said sweetly.

“Well now, I’m going to race there.” He laughed.

“You better not.” I warned.

“Oh yeah? Well this is your payback for teasing me!” He shot back.

“Dammit.” I muttered.

“Yeah dammit. Now hurry up and get your shoes on. We gotta class to catch.” He winked.

“You’re lucky I love you.” I said.

“I love you too.” He answered back.

    I walked over to the end of his bed, sat down, and started to put on my black vans. I got them a couple months ago, and I’m in love with them. I stood up once I was ready and followed Nate out his bedroom and down the stairs.

“I’m hungry.” I said as we got to the bottom of the stairs.

“I knew you were going to say that.” He laughed.

“Yeah, yeah.” I said shrugging him off.

“My plan of getting you back isn’t going to work since you’re eating breakfast.” He muttered sadly.

“Sucks for you.” I said smirking walking into the kitchen.

“You little-” He started to say.

“What kind of cereal do you have?” I interrupted him smiling innocently.

“I never buy any, I always make breakfast.” Nate said before walking to the fridge. He pulled out, eggs and bacon.

“More time then.” I said cheekily.

“Shut up or I’m going to let you starve.” He warned pointing a finger at me.

“No you won’t.” I said sticking my chin up.

“You are so lucky you are my girlfriend.” He said before putting out a skillet.

“Yes I am.” I said smiling.

2 hours later.

“I really don’t wanna go in.” I whined.

“You took your time eating your breakfast for 2 hours. You don’t even have Social Studies anymore. PLUS, Ally really needs to talk to you!” He said smirking, knowing he won.

    I wish I could smack that smirk right off his face!

“Fine.” I huffed.

“I thought so.” He laughed before getting out of the car that has been sitting in the parking lot for about 5 minutes.

    I got out of the car with a groan.

“You were supposed to let me be gentlemen and let me open the door for you!” Nate said exasperated.

“Sorry.” I said sheepishly.

“It’s fine Sweetheart.” He smiled.

“I forgot which class I had.” I said walking while thinking.

“You have science, with me.” He said putting an arm around my waist.

“You stalker.”  I winked.

    He just laughed and we walked into school right as the bell rang. I gasped and remembered no one really new about us.

“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?” He asked worried.

“No one really knows about us. It’s going to be a long day of questions.” I said sadly.

“Well let’s just let everyone find out now.” Nate said shrugging.

    People were starting to stare at his arm around  me, and started to whisper.

“What-” I started to say.

    Nate stopped me short by kissing me right on the lips, with one hand resting on my hip and one hand caressing my cheek. I heard a bunch of gasps. The kiss didn’t last long till we heard a throat clear. We immediately broke apart and looked over to see the Human Toothpick, Stacey. I groaned.

“Bitch, what do you think you are doing kissing my man?” Her nasally voice asked.

“He’s not your man.” I said looking over at Nate with an annoyed face.

“Uh, yes I am.” She said giving me a hostile look.

“No I’m not Stacey. I’ve never even liked you. And I still don’t.” He said.

“Oh Babe, don’t say that.” She said putting a hand on his chest.

    I growled and ripped her hand off Nate. Possessive, I know.

“Don’t touch my boyfriend.” I said giving her a glare.

    She didn’t say anything, she just gave me a look that could kill then walked away.

“Woah, you’re hot when you get jealous.” Nate said smirking.

“Shut up.” I said blushing.

    He didn’t reply he just gave me a peck on the cheeks and grabbed my hand. I looked around us and seen that everyone stopped what they were doing to watch us. I leaned into Nate more and he chuckled.

“Ignore them.” He whispered in my ear.

“It’s hard when they are all watching your every move.” I muttered.

“You’ll be okay.” Nate said while letting go of my hand, leaning against the ugly lockers.

    I gave him a ‘yeah right’ look, and put my combination, then opened my locker. I grabbed the multicolored science book and a couple pencils then shut, and logged my locker. Nate and I started walking, but he stopped abruptly and turned around to walk the other way. I looked at him confused.

“Aren’t we going to your locker?” I asked confused.

“Nope.” He casually said.

“Why?” I asked dragging out the ‘y’.

“Because if I don’t have my book, then I have an excuse to use yours.” He smiled.

“Smart.” I said.

“I am an A plus student.” He said matter of fact.

“I figured.” I muttered.

    He laughed, opening the classroom door, letting me go in first. We weren’t late because the second bell hasn’t rung, and there weren’t that many people in the class. However, you could tell they all knew about Nate and me because they all looked.

“Wonderful.  They are staring.” I complained.

    Nate stopped at the front of the class before clapping to make all eyes on him.

“Yes, I know my girlfriend is beautiful, but can you stop staring?” He said smirking.

    I gasped and slapped his arm, blushing madly. All the guys in the classroom let out wolf whistles, and the girls all said, “Awhh.”

    I can’t believe he said that. I grabbed his hand and lead him to the back two chairs.

“I can’t believe you just did that!” I said with my face burning.

“Yeah, well it got them to stop staring.” He said smugly.

    I shook my head at him, still blushing like crazy. I knew before we got out of the classroom that people were going to here about this. Stupid Nate being stupid freaking popular. I cleared my thoughts when I felt him grab my hand. I smiled over at him before putting my attention on the teacher that walked in. Mrs. Preston. Mrs. Preston was a young teacher, but not too young; I would say late 20’s. Also, she was very pretty with platinum blonde hair, green eyes, and small frame. She wasn’t took skinny, but she could pull off anything and still look good. All the guys thought she was hot.

    Hm.. That makes me wonder if Nate ever thought she was hot. While Mrs. Preston started to call out roll call, I leaned over to Nate and whispered in his ear.

“Do you think she’s hot?”

“W-What?” He stuttered.

“Do you think she’s hot?” I asked again.

“Yeah.” He said looking into my eyes.

“Oh.” I pouted, dang it.

“But you are hotter.” He smirked.

“Haha! You are really funny.” I said laughing dryly.

“You’re right. I am funny.” He laughed with me.

“You are so mean! I thought I was your beautiful girlfriend?” I said smugly.

“Nope.” He said serious.

“You ass.” I growled.

“You are my insanely beautiful, hot, and sexy girlfriend that I love with all my heart.” He whispered into my ear.

    I was about to reply when I heard the teacher call my name.

“Here!” I said before looking back at Nate.

    I heard some chuckles and looked up to see Mrs. Preston looking at us with an amused expression, but you could tell she was trying to be serious.

“Sorry, what?” I asked embarrassed.

“I was asking you if you’d like to share anything with the class, Mr. Lakerfield and Mrs. Summers.” She said.

“U-Uhm. No. Sorry.” I said completely and utterly embarrassed.

“Actually, I do.” Nate said standing up.

“Nate!” I warned.

    He just smiled and I put my hands up, covering my face, and then put my head on the desk.  He better not say anything like he did earlier. So embarrassing. I kept my head down while Nate started to talk.

“I was just telling my girlfriend how hot and beautiful she was.” He said innocently. Thank goodness he left out the sexy part. I would definitely kill him.

“I’m happy that you think that, but when I call you’re name can you guys actually reply?” She said smiling kindly.

“Yes ma’am.” He said politely before sitting down.

    I lifted my head up looking at Nate with a glare. I was about to say something when a guy in front of me turned around and looked at me up and down then at a mad Nate.

“You’re right, she is hot.” He said smirking.

    Who is he? He must be new.

“Shut up.” He growled.

“Hey man, I’m just saying. She’s hot.” He said looking at me again.

    I took in his appearance and he was hot, no doubt. But Nate was hotter. This dude had sandy colored hair, brown eyes, and a muscular body, but not as much as Nate. Let’s just get this straight, NATE IS MUCH HOTTER! Plus, this guy is crossing the line, saying that I was hot to my boyfriend. I mean it’s flattering, but still. Wrong move.

“I know she is. And she’s mine.” He growled, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Woah. I don’t want to take her from her. You guys are cute together. I’m just trying to say, good pick.” He said before winking and turning away.

    I looked at Nate that was fuming.

“Nate, calm down.” I whispered to him, trying not to get caught by Mrs. Preston.

    He didn’t look at me, so I put my hand on his cheek turning his head to look at me.

“Nate, calm down.” I whispered again, looking into his blue eyes.

    He looked at me and took breaths. I almost wanted to chuckle at how cute he was acting. I’ve never seen him get jealous before. It was fascinating.

“Remember, I don’t like him. I love you.” I whispered.

“I love you too.” He breathed out. He looked over at the teacher that was talking to another teacher, and then he leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

    Today is a good day.

COMMENT! Comment about what you like, or what you think! I hoped you like this chapter! It’s the 30th chapter!:D AND, we are almost to 30k reads! I’m so excited! Thank you guys for voting and reading my book! It means a lot! I  WILL be writing a second book after this one is finished. (: Sadly, that is soon. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter! I tried to make it longer than some chapters, but it was 11 pages on my computer, so it will be 5 on Wattpad! I dedicate this chapter to one of my really good friends Johnni! She told me that she loves my book and that she thinks it's realistic! Which means alot! Anyways, make sure to vote, because remember, the more votes, faster I update.(: Last chapter got quite a few, that’s why I updated! Love you guys, hope your Summer is going good! School starts for me in a couple of weeks! : (


-Kinsey xx

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