The 'L' Word? Say what?

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Chapter 8: 

Caroline’s POV

I can’t believe Nate is getting so worked up about this. He shouldn’t really care. Or should he? I don’t know; but what I do know, is that he needs to calm down. He is not going to kill that creep. He won’t even be able to find him, I know what he looks like, but I’m not telling him that. Unless, he saw his face when he punched him. Nah, from what he said, it doesn’t sound like he took enough time to get a look at him. 

A couple minutes ago, Nate finally calmed down, and went over to the stove, and cooked the bacon. I sat back down on the stool and thought some stuff. I haven’t really talked to Ally in forever. But I know it was really just a couple days ago. I should really text her or call her. 

“Hey Nate?” I asked quietly.

“Yes, sweetheart?” He asked back, still turning the bacon. 

“Have you seen my phone anywhere?” I asked.

“Yeah, it was falling out of your pocket last night, so I put it on the table in the living room.” He said casually. 

Before I left the room I heard Nate turn on the little radio that was in the kitchen; he put on z107.7 fm. I could tell because the new hit song Thrift Shop came on. That song is fun to rap, but really annoying. I just shook my head and headed towards the living room. When I was walking through the hallway I saw a bunch of picture frames. I look through all the pictures and realize that he’s an only child. I thought that he would have siblings. 

I let that thought go as I saw my iPhone sitting on the coffee table. I walk around the couch and pick up my phone. I hit the home button and immediately smiled at my background. It was of me and Ally, we were outside in my backyard taking pictures, when we were about to jump when we both fell and the camera snapped the picture. It’s priceless. I just shook my head and unlocked my phone. It said I had 5 missed calls all from Ally, and 4 texts which were all from Ally.

I felt a rush of sadness go through me; no calls from my parents. Well, I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised. They never call me, not even to check up on me. I just sighed and clicked on my messages. 

From: Ally

To: Me

Hey, Caroline. Where were you Thursday? I waited for you after school! Text me back ASAP!

From: Ally

To: Me

Caroline! Where are you?! I called you! And I have texted you! Is everything alright? TEXT ME BACK ASAP! 


From: Ally

To: Me

CAROLINE SUMMERS! Text me back this instant! You are making me really worried! It’s Friday! I couldn’t come to school because I have a Dentist appointment! I swear to all my teddy bears that if you don’t text me back right now, or I will go after your ass. 

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