Miss. Summers?

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Chapter 29:

Nate’s POV

    I woke up to birds chirping and sunlight coming through my window. Just kidding. I woke up to hear my phone ringing loudly in my pocket. I angrily answered the phone, not bothering to look at the name.

“WHAT?!” I growled.

“Woah, man. I haven’t heard from you in a couple of days. I just wanted to make sure you were okay!” Jake said into the phone.

“Sorry. I just woke up. We had a long night last night.” I explained, not realizing how wrong that sounded.

“I see. You get some?” He asked laughing.

“Not that way!” I said trying not to smile.

“Mhmm.” He stopped because of a girl’s voice.

    I furrowed my eyebrows trying to listen closely.

“Are you with Ally!?” I all but shouted.

“Pft.. No.” He said, obviously lying.

“You are! When did this happen?!” I asked.

“The other day. We just started talking. I’m so happy, man.” He whispered into the phone.

“That’s good. I’ve got to go make breakfast.” I said.

“Awh.. I miss your food. I wish I could cook.” Jake mumbled.

“I’ve offered to teach you!” I said exasperated.

“Yeah, yeah. Goodbye.” He said before he hung up.

    I checked the time and it said 10:00 a.m. I set my phone back on the bedside table and got up. I was about to open the door when I heard Caroline.

“Who was that and why are you leaving?” She mumbled sleepily.

“That was Jake. And I’m making breakfast.” I chuckled.

“I don’t want breakfast. Come lay with me. I’m cold.” She mumbled into her pillow.

“Fine.” I sighed. Even though I loved it.

    I got back into my bed and pulled the sheets over me again. I scooted closer to her. It took 2 seconds for her to cuddle up to me. I chuckled and wrapped one of my arms around her back, then the other arm I stroked her hair. She sighed and put her arm across my stomach. I smiled and kissed the top of her head, that was laying on my chest. I stopped breathing when I felt her kiss my chest. Gosh dang it, she doesn’t know what she does to me.

“Nate?” She asked sounding not so sleepy anymore.

“What, Sweetheart?” I asked.

“I’m hungry now.” She said shyly.

    I barked out a line full of laughs. She always eats breakfast; I knew she would be getting hungry soon.

“Shut up.” Carrie said before hiding her face in my chest.

    I stopped laughing and just kept smiling.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Well do you have stuff to make blueberry pancakes?” She asked hopefully.

“I’ll go check. Come down when you are ready.” I said before kissing her lightly on the lips.

7 hours later.

    As of right now Carrie and I were sitting on the couch watching The Vampire Diaries. It was a new one so we were both glued to the screen. Well she was anyways. This morning was great, we had the blueberry pancakes she wanted, laughed, and played around.  Not in that way you dirty person! Just kidding. Haha. But, I’m waiting for her to break down and cry about Frank and everything. So far we haven’t heard anything from the cops. Which I was actually grateful for. I don’t want this day to be ruined. But, I honestly don’t think it will be as big as she thought it would be. Since everything needed to be kept private I don’t think she will need a lawyer.

“Nate?” Carrie said bringing me out of my thoughts

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Did you not just see what happened?!” She almost screamed.

“Nope.” I said shaking my head.


“What!? No freaking way.” I gasped.

“YES!” She said nodding her head up and down like crazy.

“ Dammit! Is it over?!” I asked.

“Yes,” She pouted. “It’s the season finale!!” She exclaimed.

That made my jaw drop, “Are you serious?!”

“Why would I lie about something as serious as this!?” Carrie bugged out her eyes, screaming.

“I don’t know! But, oh my gosh! They won’t even know that he’s in it, since he said he was leaving town. OR Silas will act as him! Oh my fucking goodness.” I said shocked.

“Oh shitcakes.. I never thought of that..” She said slowly.

“Yeah… ‘Shitakes’ is right!” I said.

“What are we going to do until Season 5 comes out!?” She said looking completely lost.

“I don’t know, Sweetheart. Maybe this.” I said before kissing her lips.

    She wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss. I pulled away.

“You jerk, I’m being serious! What are we going to do!?” Carrie complained.

“I was being serious too.” I replied, smirking.

“Shut up. We do plenty of that.” She said blushing.

“I love it when you blush.” I said rubbing her cheek with the pad of my thumb.

“Stop it..” She said getting shy.

“No.” I said before kissing her again.

    The next thing we know there is a knock at the door. We jumped, and got off the couch then slowly made our way towards the door. I looked over at Carrie and saw her trying to fix her hair and smoothed down her wrinkled up white t-shirt. I smirked and opened the front door seeing the older cop that took Frank to jail. He had this determined look on his face which made me kind of worried. I looked down at his badge and name tag and saw that it his name was Paul.

“Miss. Summers?” Paul asked.

“Yes?” She said after clearing her throat.

“I’d like to inform you that you do not need a lawyer, and that their was enough evidence that he will be going to jail for what has happened.” He said sternly.

“Wait, that’s it? No court date? No lawyer? Nothing?” Carrie asked shocked.

“No ma’am. But, he will have his own court date to determine his sentence. We will have to inform your parents about this.” He said.

“Are you sure you have to?” She asked laughing slightly.

“Unfortunately, yes. You are still a minor, so we have to tell them.” Paul said almost like he was sad about having to tell them.

“When are you going to sir?” She asked getting more serious.

“Well, we are hoping to inform them by tomorrow evening, since it’s about 6 o’clock. Don’t worry about telling your parents, we will let them know that nothing was your fault and the man is going to be going to jail. Have a nice night ma’am.” He said before nodding and walked back down the sidewalk.

    I shut the door and locked it before turning around to look at Carrie to see her face pale as a ghost.

“Hey, everything is going to be fine. The big part is over. You don’t have to worry about anything.” I said trying to soothe her.

“But, you don’t understand. Once my parents find out about this, they are going to freak, they won‘t even care about me. They will just care about trying go keep the secret.” She whispered.

“Maybe or maybe not. I think that they will care about what he did to you.” I said walking up to her shivering frame.

“No they won’t. They stopped caring after my brother died.” She said with a tear running down her cheek.

“Well, we will just have to change that won’t we?” I whispered.

“How?” She asked confused.

“You’ll see.” I said before pulling her into a hug.

“I love you.” She whispered into my chest before kissing right below my neck.

“I love you more.” I breathed out, before kissing the top of her head.

    We pulled out of our hug and went and sat on the couch. I took the remote and scrolled through the movies clicking on Jack and Jill with Adam Sandler in it. Before it started playing Carrie looked up at me from my lap and smiled.

“Thank you for being here for me, I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.” She whispered.

“I will always be here for you. You are the most amazing girlfriend anyone could ask for.” I said before kissing her forehead.

    She didn’t reply but situated herself in my lap to make her more comfortable. Once she finally got comfortable she started to watch the movie, and from then on, she couldn’t stop laughing.

I hope everything is going to be okay for you Sweetheart, I thought while looking at her smiling and laughing with her eyes shining bright with happiness.

Everything is going to be fine.

    I almost jumped before I realized who it was.

Really? You’re back again. It’s been awhile. It was the voice in my head. Haha, I sound crazy.

Well, I just wanted to let you know that everything is going to be fine. But, you will need to be there when her parents come home.

I know, I know. Do you know my plan?

Yes, you want to talk to her parents about what they have been doing to her since her brother passed away.

Exactly. And I think it’s going to be extremely hard to get Carrie to agree.

Just ease into it. Or tomorrow you can just blurt it out.

I’ll ease into it, but will tell her tomorrow.


    I didn’t answer back I just snuggled closer into Carrie and laughed at the screen. This movie was hilarious.

    I didn’t realize Carrie had fallen asleep right at the end of the movie when I heard her mumble something under her breath, and seen that she was fast asleep. I chuckled and picked her up bridal style. Then carried her up the stairs and into the room. I laid her down on the bed and covered her up, before going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth. Once I was done, I walked into the room, pulled up the covers, and pulled her close to me before falling to sleep.

I hope you liked this chapter! I Haven’t updated for many reasons. I couldn’t post because I had no internet, or wifi. Plus, school is about to start so I went with a friend to KC, and then went school shopping! This book will hopefully be over before school starts! THEN! I will be making a new book! YAY! That, I will dedicate two days for updates a week.(: VOTE! I NEED ONE MORE VOTE TILL 600!!:D EEPP. I will be updating again this week! :D If you vote, I will try to make it a reaalllllyyy long chapter.(:


-Kinsey xx

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