The Creeper? Again?

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Chapter 10:


Caroline’s POV

As soon as she told me what happened at the party, I ran to the bathroom and pulled out my cell phone. I hit ‘call Nate’ and waited for him to answer. After about 2 rings he answered sounding worried.

“Caroline! Are you okay? What happened?!” Nate practically yelled into the phone. 

“Yes! Calm down, Nate. I’m fine. Nothing happened.” I said trying to sooth him.

“Then why are you calling?” Nate asked.

“We need to talk about Operation Get Ally and Jake Back Together. I have some information.” I said in a ‘secret agent’ voice.

“Sure, your house? And why are you talking funny?” Nate asked. 

“Oh just humor me! I was acting like a secret agent reporting information. And sure!” I said exasperated. 

“Okay then?” He said in an unsure voice.

“What time do you want to meet? I’m sure Ally and I are going to be leaving soon.” I said. 

“It’s almost 7, so how about 7:30?” He asked casually.

“Sure! See you then!” I said chirpily. 

“Okay, bye Caroline!” He said back into the phone hanging up. 

I put my phone back into my pocket and walked out of the bathroom and straight into someone. I looked up to see the stranger from last night. I got wide eyed, while he just smiled at me. I started hyperventilating and pulled my arm away. He went to grab my arm again, but I just ran to our table. 

“Hey Ally? Can we go? Like now?!” I slightly yelled. 

I felt my whole body go stiff.

“Yeah? Why?” She asked curiously. 

“H-He’s here.. The guy from last night.” I said shaking. 

“He’s  here!?” She whispered/yelled.

“YES! Now please lets just go!” I said leaving a $20 bill on the table.

I grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the diner, and sprinted to her car without looking back. Once we got into her car, I let out a huge breath. I started shaking and my breathing got heavy. I felt someone shaking me and jumped.

“Carrie! Are you okay?” She asked softly.

“No. No I’m not. Please just take me home.” I said shakily.

“Are you sure you want to go home?” She asked.

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