Chapter One - "..What Did I Do To Deserve This.."

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TW- de@th, prost1tut1on

Everything started like a regular day.. Everything was fine and I hoped everything would stay that way but.. everything turned into darkness in just a matter of seconds.

Muichiro's pov

I woke up around 8am. I rubbed my eyes and opened them slightly before sitting up slowly. I looked to my right to see my brother sleeping still on his bed. I stood up and walked over to him, touching his forehead.

He was burning up once again. I sighed and walked out of the room quietly, trying not to wake him up.

I headed into the living room where my parents sat. "Good morning Mui, did you sleep well?" My mother asked me and I slightly nodded "Yui has a fever again" I said quietly, being worried.

My mother's smile slightly faded as she nodded "I'll go check on him" she said and walked out of the room, heading into our bedroom.

It has been a while since Yuichiro was even able to go to school, he's been sick for a while, which worried everyone here.

I went to make myself some breakfast, trying to forget about it.

While I was eating my breakfast, I heard my parents talking in the living room.

"He's not getting any better, his fevers are getting higher and higher, he's getting weaker day by day"

"Maybe we should take him to hospital just to be sure it's nothing serious"

"I agree, should we go right now?"

"I think we should go now"

"Alright, I'll go get Yuichiro"

"What about Muichiro?"

"I think it would be better to leave him here, you know how panicky he can be"

I sighed and laid my head on the table, tapping on it with my finger anxiously. "What if it's really something serious?" I thought, getting even more worried and scared.


Since that day everything just got worse. Yuichiro stayed in a hospital due to his state getting worse day by day. My parents refused to tell me what was wrong with him, their excuse always being "don't worry about it, he'll be fine"

I was scared... terrified that Yuichiro might be really sick and might not get better any time soon.

So many nights I cried myself to sleep, thinking about him, feeling extremely guilty for not being able to help somehow, only wanting him to be okay and come back home healthy again.

But no.. it has been so long since I saw him at home and from what I heard from my parents.. he's not coming back any time soon.

I thought that this would be the worst thing to happen to me ever but... something much worse happened on the day when everyone should be happy.. but I ended up crying my eyes out.

It happened on my sixteenth birthday


"Happy birthday Mui!" My mother yelled out and pulled me close, kissing my forehead multiple times. I giggled and pulled her away a bit "m-mom, stop"

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