Chapter Twelve - Comfort

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TW - Beating, mentions of self harm

Tanjiro's pov

I sat together with Muichiro in class, I was paying attention while he was struggling to stay awake. He had his arms on the desk in front of him and his head was resting on them.

I saw his eyes shut. I waited for a couple minutes before shaking slightly with him, knowing he fell asleep. "Mui, wake up, you can't sleep in class" I whispered to him.

He nodded and rubbed his eyes, trying to pay attention once again but failing miserably, falling asleep again soon after. I wanted to wake him up but he seemed so exhausted, so I just let him sleep.

Suddenly the teacher stopped talking and looked at Muichiro with an angry look, walking over to our desk and slammed her hand on the desk right in front of Muichiro, making him wake up immediately.

"Are you paying attention, Tokito?" She asked and Muichiro slightly nodded.

"If yes, go solve that" she said and pointed to a blackboard. Muichiro sighed and walked over to the blackboard. He grabbed the chalk and looked at the board, probably not knowing what to do.

Teacher was clearly mad which was the thing that made me worried. It seems like Muichiro doesn't know what to do and I knew how mean this teacher can be.

She walked over to him and said "you don't know what to do, huh?"

He shook his head slightly, looking down at the floor. She sighed "how do you want to graduate like this?! You are so close to failing multiple classes and you don't do anything about it! If this continues, I will have a word with the principal about you.. now go back to your seat!"

Muichiro nodded and slowly walked back to his seat. Everyone around him was laughing, whispering, making fun of him.

He sat down next to me and rested his head on his palm. I was trying to look into his face but I couldn't because he looked down at his desk, his bangs covering his eyes.

I suddenly saw small salty tears falling on the desk before hearing quiet sobbing. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want him to cry but.. I didn't know how I was supposed to calm him down in class.

I just grabbed his hand and held it gently, rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb. He looked at me with teary eyes and I gave him a slight smile.

He grabbed my hand tighter and smiled slightly, saying a quiet "thank you.."

The whole lesson we continued to hold each other's hands. It felt nice to hold his hand like that.. it made me feel something but I wasn't sure what it was.

When the lesson ended Muichiro slowly let go of my hand and thanked me one more time. "Better now? We have a longer break now so we can go into the art room so you c-"

"No no, I am alright.. but thank you" he replied quietly "she was right, I am close to failing most of my classes.. I should pay attention.. and I want to, I am just tired most of the time and I can't focus"

"It's okay, we can go to bed early today so you can get some rest and tomorrow you'll try again"

"Mhm, sounds good.. wanna maybe go somewhere after school? Like last time..?" He said shyly, looking away.

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