Chapter Nineteen - Failed Tries

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TW - only mentions of self harm

Muichiro's pov - 4 days later

"Mui your hair is a mess, when was the last time you brushed it?" Tanjiro asked and I just shrugged, not knowing myself.

"Come here, I'll brush it for you" he said with a cheerful tone and grabbed a brush. I sighed and sat down in front of him so he could brush them. Right when he laid the brush on my hair and pulled down I yelped in pain.

"Sorry sorry, it's just really tangled.." he sighed "this will take a while"

"Just let it be.. j-just.. cut it" I said quietly. I could feel Tanjiro freeze. After a couple seconds he started brushing again "I am not gonna cut it, you have beautiful hair… just like Yuichiro did" he smiled "at least you have something that'll remind you of him"

I stared into a mirror, tears streaming down my face.. all I could see was Yuichiro.. My reflection reminded me so much of Yuichiro and I could stand it.

I grabbed onto my hair and just cried, I couldn't forget about him. "Yui.. Y-Yui.." I said quietly, sobbing.

I wanted to make this pain go away, I wanted to be happy, I wanted Yui back, I wanted my parents back..

"Your hair is just like Yuichiro's, so take care of it so you have something that'll remind you of him always" I remembered what Tanjiro said to me.

It wasn't like.. I didn't want to remember Yui but... all I can see when I look into a mirror is him.. and it hurts..

I opened a drawer and saw scissors. I picked them up and looked at myself in the mirror, starting to sob harder once again.

I put the scissors close to my hair and..


Tanjiro's pov

"Please give Muichiro this, I baked it yesterday just for him" Kanao said and handed me a box of cookies "I know it's not a lot but I hope it'll at least lighten up his mood a bit more"

"Thank you Kanao, I'll give it to him right when I get home" I opened the box and looked at the cookies, immediately smelling the amazing aroma "these smell so good, am I allowed to eat one?"

"Hahahaha no" she replied and closed the box "I gotta go now or Genya will kill me if I'll be late again"

"Alright, byebyee!" I said and waved at her. She waved back and then disappeared from my sight.

I put the box in my bag and walked home. I planned out the whole day for me and Muichiro. I want to make his mood better and make him not think about Yuichiro so much.

When I got home it was clear I came home first because it was really quiet. I took off my shoes and went up the stairs straight to my room. I opened the door and saw Muichiro on his bed, completely covered with his blanket.

I walked closer to him and gently shook with him "Mui?" I said quietly but didn't get an answer. "He's probably asleep" I thought and laid my bag down next to his bed before going to the bathroom.

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