Chapter Eighteen - Lies... Stupid Lies

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TW - self harm, eating problems

Tanjiro's pov

"You're not going to school today, am I right?" I said and Muichiro just shook his head. I nodded and patted his head "I'll come back right after school, if anything happens just call me"

Muichiro nodded and I left the room, heading outside to meet up with Kanao and Genya.

After a while I saw them. Genya waved at me and Kanao ran over to me and hugged me, asking "hold on, where is Muichiro? And why do you look like that? What happened?"

I sighed "let's just say that yesterday was rough.." I only replied with that and kept walking. Kanao grabbed my hand and said "come on Tanjiro! What happened?!"

It was clear she was worried so I said it "Muichiro's brother died yesterday, he's just not in a good emotional state right now"

Both Genya's and Kanao's eyes widened and Kanao quickly said "oh my god, poor Muichiro... shouldn't you be with him when he's not well?"

"I wanted to but he said he needs some time alone" I replied with a sigh.


"Ohh look who came" one of my classmates said "where's your boyfriend~"

"Shut up, he's not my boyfriend" I said and they laughed "ohh, hit a sensitive topic I see"

I just ignored them and sat down at my seat. The word "boyfriend" repeated in my head and I couldn't seem to stop it... it felt good when someone referred to Muichiro as my boyfriend.

I looked to my right where Muichiro's seat was and I was starting to worry even more now so I decided to text him.

Tanjiro😼🤌 : everything okay, Mui?

Teacher suddenly walked into the class so I laid my phone down and paid attention to class



I sighed "well, at least he read it" I thought and tried to call him. It took him a while but he eventually picked up.


"Hi Mui, everything okay? How are you feeling?"

"I am great..."


"Trash.. I feel like trash.. how do you expect me to feel..?"


"I am sorry.."

"It's okay.. are you sure you don't want me to go back home? It would be better you know"

"Hm.. maybe"

"Alright, I'll be there in like an hour, alright?"


"Wanna stay on a call before I get there?"

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