Chapter Six - Forgiveness Accepted

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TW - self h@rm, de@th

Tanjiro's pov

"Yo! Tanjiro w-"

"Did you lie about Muichiro killing his parents?" I said, interrupting him mid sentence. He slightly laughed and replied "well yes.. and you believed me"

"That's fucking stupid! Wh-"

"No, let me correct you, you are stupid, you are the one who trusted me, you are the one who trusted his bully, thinking that I will actually tell you the truth"

He said and walked away, leaving me all alone. I looked down and sighed, burying my face into my palm, thinking "he's right… I am the stupid one here.. I need to apologize"

Lunch break

At lunch break I decided to look for Muichiro, his bag and books were still in class but he didn't come to any of the lessons.

I first checked other classrooms and restrooms before finally heading into the art room. I opened the door to the art room to see Muichiro sitting in the corner of the room, drawing.

I sat down next to him and he looked over at me, his eyes widening when he realized it was me. He quickly stood up, about to walk away but I grabbed his hand, making him stop.

I sat him back down, still holding onto his hand, realizing he was starting to shiver, his eyes filling up with tears "p-please don't hurt me" he said quietly.

My eyes widened, seeing tears slide down my cheeks. I shook my head "no no no.. I am not going to hurt you I ju-"

He pushed my hand away and backed away far from me, looking down at the floor, tears from his cheeks falling down slowly.

I moved a bit closer "can we please talk?" I said with a comforting voice, trying to get him to talk to me.

"P-Please just leave me alone.." he said before taking the keys from the art room and running away. "Muichiro! Wait!" I called out for him but he didn't stop.

I sighed and dropped down on one of the seats, sighing. I looked to my right to see his sketchbook and.. a diary?

I opened the sketchbook first, seeing the finished drawing of me. I smiled slightly, being amazed by his talent. Then I took a look at the diary and opened it, most of the pages were already filled with text, some of the words were very hard to read.

One of the pages said that it's because of tears, because he has been writing it while crying.

I kept on skipping through the pages, getting onto the page where the title was "February 8th, the worst day of my life"

(I know Muis bday is on August 8th but I need to change it for later chapters)

As I kept on reading he described the whole day, from being happy to see him to his parents death and him crying the whole night.

I felt terrible for not believing him.. I felt terrible he went through such stuff.. I felt terrible about everything.

As I kept on reading it just got worse and worse. His pages were covered with dried blood and tears, saying things like "I want to give up but I can't.. I need to stay here for Yui.." or "I want to kill myself, I don't want to do this, I just want everything to go back to normal.."

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