Chapter Twenty-three - In Darkness Again

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4 weeks later - Muichiro's pov

"It was.. 19.. 1985.. Yes, I got it right" I talked to myself quietly before the next class. I studied for this test from history for so long and I was confident that I would get a good grade.

This test was extremely important for me and it was the only chance I could pass to another grade without any problems.

"Tokito? You will take the test right after school in class 2B, I'll be waiting there" my history teacher said with an odd grin on his face. "Oh alright, but why? I should have w-"

"Yes I know but let's just do it after school, alright?"

"Alright" I nodded and closed my textbook, rubbing my eyes right after. "Tired?" Tanjiro asked and I nodded once again "yeah, really tired, I fell asleep at like.. 4am"

"4am? Oh dear.. you must be really tired" Tanjiro said and patted my head "yeah.. but it'll be worth it! I'll get a good grade and will be able to pass to another grade!" I said happily, being confident in myself.

"I am sure you will" Tanjiro said with a smile "I am so proud of you, you've been doing so well for the last weeks"

I nodded "I feel much better than before, it's mainly because of you, you helped me so much and I appreciate that a lot"

"It's no problem, you being happy again is all I wanted, I am glad everything is going well for you again" Tanjiro said and I smiled in response.

He was right, I was happy again, I enjoyed so many things again and picked up new hobbies I didn't have time or motivation before.


"Wanna go to a cafe with us, Mui?" Kanao asked and I shook my head "I am sorry I can't, I have to take a test right now, I'll come after I finish it though" I replied sadly.

"Test?" Genya asked, being confused. "Yeah" I sighed "I need to take one to improve my grade from history, if I don't, I'll have an F as my final grade and I won't be able to pass"

"Oh you care about grades? I am about to repeat this year for the second time" Genya laughed but Kanao slapped the back of his head "idiot! Do you not care about your future or something?!"

"Hah, actually I don't, I am gonna move to your house and lay on your couch the whole day"

"Hahaha very funny, you can forget about that immediately" Kanao rolled her eyes sarcastically.

I giggled and looked at the clock "oh I have to go now, wish me luck!"

"Good luck Mui!" Kanao said and waved at me before I ran towards the classroom. I opened the door to the classroom to see my history teacher already sitting there.

"I am really sorry for being late, mister! I got caught up in a conversation with my friends"

"That's okay, no need to apologize, we have plenty of time" he said and walked over to me, placing his hand on my back "why don't you go sit down at one of the desks now?"

I nodded and walked towards one of the desks, suddenly hearing the door get locked. I felt myself panic a bit and I didn't know why. "Why would he lock the door? Almost everyone from school is already out.."

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