Chapter Five - Wrong Person You Trusted

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TW - Bully1ng

Tanjiro's pov

“You can’t be serious..” I said, not wanting to believe that he has done something so terrible. “Has your opinion changed now? Will you finally join us and stop talking to him? He doesn't deserve someone like you"

Muichiro's pov ~ next day

I walked to school, today actually being excited to get there, excited to see Tanjiro and show him another drawing I made. I was proud of the drawing, really proud so I wanted to show him.

When I got to the classroom I sat down at my seat, looking around the classroom, suddenly seeing Tanjiro sitting at the different seat right behind my bullies.

It made me confused why he suddenly changed seats and also really sad because I wanted to sit next to him. I looked down at my desk, seeing the written insults on it again, now new handwriting joined too.

"I thought you were better than this" it spelled. "Did Tanjiro write this?.. N-No he wouldn't do that.. right?" I thought and laid my head on my desk, sighing.

The next break I went into the restroom. I walked in and got into one of the stalls. I suddenly heard the door from the restroom open "let's wait for him" I heard.

My hands immediately started shaking, recognizing the voice immediately, knowing they are my bullies. "Maybe if I just tried to run out they wouldn't be able to do anything" is what I thought but when I tried I was immediately slammed against the wall.

I looked up at them, seeing Tanjiro also with them. When we made eye contact Tanjiro just pulled his gaze away from me. "Aww what's wrong Muichiro? Don't tell me you actually thought he would want to talk to you, he was just our little spy, he told us everything you told him"

My eyes widened, filling up with tears immediately. "How he had to carry you home, your brother being in hospital, your financial problems and many more.. too bad I don't give a fuck" he laughed.

He grabbed me by my cheek, saying "come on, what will you do now? Cry? Do you really think that that will solve anything?" He said and punched me into my face.

I grabbed my cheek, spitting out a small bit of blood on the floor. "Tanjiro do something, come here, give him a hit too"

Tanjiro shook his head "nahh, I am good"

"Boooring" he said before kicking me into my stomach and repeatedly hitting me in my face.

"The bell is ringing, let's go back to class"

"I'll come later, I gotta go talk to mister Tomioka"

"Alright, see you in class"

After they all left it was only me and Tanjiro in the restroom. I laid on the floor, sobbing quietly, most of my hair covering my face.

Tanjiro dropped a pack of tissues next to me, about to leave but I asked "why..? W-Why did you join them..? Wh-What did I do wrong..?"

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