Chapter Twenty-five - The End

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Yes this is the end of the book. Genuinely sad it ends frfr but yeah no I have too much ideas for many other books and this one needs to go- you officially spend your precious time on this piece of crap and read it to the end, you need a reward frfr

 Genuinely sad it ends frfr but yeah no I have too much ideas for many other books and this one needs to go- you officially spend your precious time on this piece of crap and read it to the end, you need a reward frfr

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Tanjiro's pov

Muichiro sat there quietly before slightly nodding "..for a while now.. I thought.. I should tell you before.. ehm.. you know.."

I nodded and looked down. "It's okay if you don't like me back.." he said quietly and looked away. I looked up at him, reaching for his chin so he looked at me.

"Tanj-" he was about to say but before he could finish, I pressed my lips against his. It took him a while to process what just happened but he returned the kiss soon after.

I pulled away after some time, letting go of his chin as well "I love you too Mui, for a while too" I laughed slightly.

Muichiro slightly smiled, tears sliding down his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around me one more time. I did too and caressed the back of his head.

"Where were you two? You didn't even say anything when you went outside, do you even know how worried I was?" My mother said in slight panic.

"Sorry mom, we forgot to tell you.. we were just outside.. hanging out, right Mui?" I lied and Muichiro just slightly nodded. "Okay, just next time please tell me" she said, it was clear she didn't believe me but I didn't know why.

"Alright, we'll go to my room now" I said and grabbed Muichiro's hand, walking to my room. "Tanjiro, I want to talk to you first" my mother said, making me stop.

"Mui, go to my room, I'll talk to mom and be right there" I said and Muichiro nodded, walking to our room silently.

"I know you are lying" she said and I replied with "what? What are you talking about?" I asked as she took out something from her pocket. It was the paper Muichiro wrote on.

"I found this in your room and I read it... is what he wrote true?" She said with a hint of annoyance and sadness in her voice.

" is.. but I stopped him" I sighed. "Thank god.. next time something like this happens, tell me and don't lie" she said and I nodded once again, about to walk to my room but she said something again "he said "I love you".. did you talk about that too?"

"..we did.. we are dating now" I said, not wanting to continue this conversation so I just walked away. I opened the door to our room and saw Muichiro sitting on his bed, hugging his knees.

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