Chapter Thirteen - Nervousness

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I feel like making a book just for my art is useless because no one would even look at it so I'll put it here because I am finally starting to like some of my drawings

Rui :)

Rui :)

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Ena X Mafuyu>>>

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Ena X Mafuyu>>>

TW - none, this is a fluffy chapter, sorry angst lovers 😼💅

Tanjiro's pov

I walked out of the shower and headed back into my room. I slightly opened the door and saw my mother holding Muichiro in her arms.

"Talk to me about anything, okay? Anything that bothers you, you can tell me.." my mother said and wiped Muichiro's tears as he nodded.

She patted his head and then left the room. I laid my clothes on a chair and sat down next to Muichiro "you okay?" I asked.

He slightly nodded and wiped his remaining tears. "Mhm.. thank you for asking.."

I looked at his arms and thighs, asking "do you need bandages or s-"

"N-No it's fine.. I am sorry, I completely forgot about all this, I should have taken a different pair of pajamas" Muichiro said quietly.

"Hey it's okay, I get it, no need to apologize" I said and patted his back "you get along with my mom really well, am I right?"

"Mhm.. she's really nice.. she cares about me a-a lot.." he said quietly, stopping for a second before continuing "...she reminds me of my mom.."

I nodded and pulled him into a hug. He returned the hug and yawned "I am exhausted.. Can we go to bed now?"

I giggled "of course"

He pulled away from the hug and laid down on the matrace, cuddling close to my cat "you really like her, don't you?" I asked and Muichiro nodded.

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