Chapter Fourteen - Birthday

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Tanjiro's pov

I woke up due to my alarm and Muichiro did too. He groaned and pulled the blanket over his head. "5 more minutes?" I asked and he quietly hummed.

I laughed and sat up, rubbing my eyes. Then I got a notification on my phone, reminding me of Muichiro's birthday.

I giggled and jumped on Muichiro's matrace, hugging him tightly. "T-Tanjiro, what the fuck?!" He yelled out, still grumpy from having to wake up.

"Happy birthday!" I yelled out. Muichiro's smile immediately faded and he looked down. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked, grabbing his chin, wanting him to look at me.

"My parents died on my birthday.." he said quietly, looking away. "I see.. I am sorry I forgot.." I replied and hugged Muichiro gently "but that won't stop us from having a good day, am I right? We need to do something on your birthday"

"..I want to visit their grave.. that's all I want.." he said quietly, pulling away from me and looking down.

"I know it's sad.. we can visit them but.. I already planned out everything.. I even got a present for you~" I laughed slightly and patted his head "we'll go to Kanao's house and after that we can go visit Yui, what do you think?"

Muichiro sighed and slightly nodded "fine fine.." I smiled and hugged him one more time. He returned the hug now.

I pulled away and looked at him with a smile "let's go make some breakfast now! I'll make it your favorite!"

Muichiro giggled and nodded. I grabbed his hand and led him into the kitchen.


"Happy birthday Muichiro" my mother said and handed Muichiro some cash "I didn't know what you like so here's some cash and you can buy anything you want"

"N-No it's okay I-" Muichiro said, trying to give her the money back but she stopped him "keep it, okay?"

Muichiro slightly nodded and thanked her. "So will you two go somewhere? Or should we plan something?" My mother asked again and I shook my head.

"Nope, I already have everything planned" I replied and she slightly nodded, leaving us alone. "Alright we have some time before we can go visit Yui, wanna go see your parents first?" I asked and Muichiro gave me a slight nod.


"Here.." Muichiro said and walked over to two graves. He kneeled down in front of them and put new flowers in a flowerpot before lighting a couple candles there.

I kneeled down next to him, and pulled him closer, rubbing his shoulder while he had his head laid on my shoulder, still looking at his parents grave.

He sighed and pulled me into a hug, burying his face into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing his back "it's okay Mui, it's okay.." I said, trying to keep him calm.

He slightly nodded and grabbed onto my hoodie tightly "s-sorry.." he sighed quietly "I just.. I miss them a lot.. after exactly one year I still haven't gotten over it.."

"Hey, it's okay Mui, it's understandable" I slightly pulled away from the hug and kissed his forehead before wiping away his tears.

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