Chapter Three - First Time I Met You

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TW - mention of vomit, use of alcohol, prost1tut1on, bully1ng

Muichiro's pov - week later

I was sitting on a couch, counting money so I know I have enough to pay for rent.. and I didn’t, I wasn’t much money I was missing though. I sighed, knowing what I have to do. I wanted to end with this so badly, I hated my life, I hated doing this, I hated myself…

I grabbed my phone and looked through my list of people who wanted me to do.. “it” with them. I sighed “no.. no.. no.. ah here 554 221 942” I said before dialing the number. I took a deep breath, preparing for what's about to come again.

“Yes? Who is it?” The man said when he picked up the phone. “Hello, it’s Muichiro T-Tokito, you informed me two days ago a-”

“You are that slut who fucks for money?” he said. I looked down at my lap and replied with “mhm.. that’s me..”

“So you are calling because of sex, am I right?”


“Of course you are, well how much cash do you want me to give you?”

“I-Is ehm.. is 40 dollars okay?”

“40 dollars huh, you are an expensive one.. well it better be good or you are not getting anything, be here in one hour max, I’ll send you the address” he said and ended the call. I dropped my phone down on the couch and sighed once again, looking down at the floor, preparing myself for another suffering.

"You are finally here, kept me waiting long enough," the man said and opened the door for me.

It was a quite old man, definitely drunk, the whole apartment smelled of alcohol.. It made me sick.

"Do you drink?" He asked. I quickly shook my head "I-I never drank before.. so no"

He nodded and grabbed my wrist, leading me into the living room. "I am sure that you will like it," he said and poured me a glass of red wine.

"N-No I am fine, I don't w-"

"Do you want the money or not?" He said with a quite annoyed tone. I nodded and grabbed the glass with wine and took a small sip, hating the taste of it already.

The man sat down next to me and pulled me closer, rubbing his hand on my crotch. I started panting slightly, closing my eyes, just wanting this to be over.

He poured more booze into his mouth and kissed me, making me swallow the booze that was in his mouth.

I felt sick, I wanted to spit it out so badly but I knew I couldn't. He pulled away and smiled slightly, pressing his finger on my lips "you are beautiful, no wonder everyone wants you in bed" he giggled.

I smiled "t-thank you..?"

He pulled me closer and slid his boxers down. "Come on, you know what I want from you" he said and I nodded, taking my pants as well. I slid my boxers down and laid them on the couch before getting on his lap, sliding his dick in me slowly.

"Oh yeah, you don't even know how fucking long I've been waiting for this.." he grabbed my cheek and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

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