Chapter Twenty - Outburst

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Muichiro's pov

"Come on Muichiro.. pull yourself together.. you are making everyone worried" I thought to myself as I sat on the toilet seat, just looking at my lap with small tears still running down my cheeks freely.

"What am I supposed to do.. Yui?" I clenched my fists and held back more sobs as much as possible but I couldn't hold them all in, it was so hard.. so so hard to think of him without crying.

I grabbed some toilet paper and blew my nose as well as wiping my tears. I looked at my phone, seeing the time being 7:58am, meaning the lesson will start in two minutes.

I sighed "it'll be okay, you can do this.. you'll be fine" I thought to myself, wanting to feel a bit more confident "do this for Tanjiro, you can't worry him anymore, make him proud"

I opened the door to the stall and headed to class. When I entered the classroom everyone immediately looked at me. I felt my anxiety go through the roof, the stares and laughs got so much worse after the hallucination accident.

"Oh look who decided to come, did our little prostitute finally get enough courage to come back? That's amazing, we are so proud of you, Muichiro'' one of my bullies said as the rest of the class stared at me or laughed.

I sat down at my seat and took out my books. Tanjiro immediately looked at me and asked "you okay? If you don't think you are ready for this you can go home, I'll talk to the teacher about it"

I shook my head "no no.. it's okay but thank you.." I said quietly and rubbed my eyes due to them being sore from crying.

"Kanao was really worried about you, she feels terrible for making you cry so she gave me this" Tanjiro said and handed me a small box. I opened it and saw my favorite cupcake with a note next to it.

"Did I just run to a store and buy you your favorite cupcake because I feel terrible for making you cry? Yes. I am sorry Mui I didn't mean to make you sad, I know cupcake might not be enough but I hope it'll at least make you a bit happy :(" -Kanao

I smiled at the note and took a bite of the cupcake.

Tanjiro's pov - lunch break

"Genya asked if we wanted to join him and Kanao for lunch, wanna go with them or do you want to be in the art room?" I asked and Muichiro shrugged "I guess we can be with Genya and Kanao, I am not really in a mood to talk so we can go with them so you are not bored.."

I sighed "hey, it's okay, if you feel like you don't want to talk, that's completely fine, we can go to the art room and just sit there and keep each other company, hm? We don't need to talk if you don't feel like it, okay?" I said and patted Muichiro's head.

"Okay.. but still.. let's go with them.." he said and I nodded "alright but if you feel like you want to leave any time, tell me and we'll leave, okay?"

"Okay.. thank you, Tanjiro.."

"No need to thank me, Mui" I said and patted his head before closing my locker and heading to the rooftop with Muichiro close behind me.

"Finally you're here," Genya said, sitting at our normal spot "Kanao will come later, she had to do something"

I nodded and sat down next to him while Muichiro sat down in front of me. After some time, Genya and I talked while eating our lunch, Muichiro only sat there, not eating, not talking, just staring into nowhere.

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