Chapter Seventeen - "P-Please Tell Me It's A N-nightmare"

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Tanjiro's pov - two months later

I was sitting on my bed while Muichiro was laying on his bed, trying to call someone. When the person didn't pick up after eight more tries, Muichiro gave up.

"Who are you trying to call?" I asked and he looked at me, sighing "Yui.. he didn't text me yesterday or today, he hasn't read my texts or picked up any of my calls… I am worried"

I nodded and stood up, walking over to his bed and sitting down next to him. I could see he was stressing a lot so I wanted to give him some relief by pulling him into a hug.

He sighed and buried his face into my shoulder "I am sure he's okay, we can go visit him today if you want to make sure everything is okay"  I said and he just hummed, slightly nodding.

"Don't stress too much about it, last time you know what happened when you were stressing too much" I said and he groaned "I told you not to remind me of that.. it was embarrassing"

I laughed slightly "it was not embarrassing, it was completely normal to act like you did.. just try to keep calm right now"

He nodded "okay, thank you Tanjiro.." Muichiro said with a slight smile and hugged me tighter. I felt my cheeks turn bright red. "Stupid blush, if he notices I am blushing, I am fucked" I thought and tried to compose myself.

"Okay.. we'll wait outside" I said and ended the call with my mother. I looked at Muichiro and said "okay, mom should be here any minute to pick us up"

Muichiro nodded and stood up, rushing downstairs. While I was walking down the stairs I see him his trip like three times and I chuckle "calm down, she's not even here yet"

Muichiro rolled his eyes "I am just excited to see him"

"Yeah, I can see that" I replied and took my shoes on. Muichiro did too and opened the door "it's raining, do you have an umbrella?" Muichiro asked and I nodded "it should be in the room there" I said and pointed to the room on my right.

Muichiro nodded and quickly grabbed an umbrella "there's only one"

"That's fine, one is enough," I replied and we both went outside to wait for my mother. I held the open umbrella above us but I still could see Muichiro's shoulder getting hit by the raindrops.

I pulled him closer "stay under it, I don't want you to get sick"

Muichiro slightly nodded and looked down. At that moment I realized what I had done and immediately let go of his shoulder "sorry" I mumbled quietly and Muichiro shook his head and put my hand back on his shoulder, leaning his head on my side.

How would I describe this moment? Gay panic, that's how. My whole face was a blushing mess, any time he hugged me, got a bit too close to me or asked to sleep next to me I couldn't help but blush.

I wanted to confess to him so badly but.. I couldn't make myself do that, I was too scared to do so.

"Tanjiro!" I heard Muichiro yell. "Hm? What's wrong??" I replied.

"I yelled at you like a thousand times! Your mother is here" he said and pointed to my mothers car "let's go" he grabbed my hand and led me to the car.

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