Chapter Twenty-two - Treasure Every Positive Moment

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Really sorry but this is slightly shorter chapter, I wanted to make it longer but I decided to make a dramatic end to this so- I am sorry but yea, this is short

TW - just small mentions of self harm

Tanjiro's pov

We all sat there in complete silence before I spoke up "I.. have feelings for Muichiro.."

Kanao and Genya both looked at me with shocked looks. Kanao then smiled and hugged me "aww Tanjiro.." she placed her hand on my cheek "I am sure Muichiro will recover and return your feelings.. you'll be an amazing couple"

"I don't know.. do you.. think he will even trust me after this?"

"Of course he will.. you helped him so much and just because of one argument.. I am sure he won't lose all the trust in you.."

"I guess.." I sighed and we all kept on waiting for another 20 minutes before the doctor came to us. "He's stable now but he'll need to stay here for some time just so we are sure everything is going okay"

"Thank god, can we go see him?" Kanao asked and the doctor nodded. She immediately stood up and sprinted to the room.

I stood there, not knowing if I should go there, what if he doesn't forgive me? What if he hates me now?

"You're not going?" Genya asked and I sighed "I just.. what if he hates me now?"

"Tanjiro, that's stupid, he would never hate you.. I'll go talk to him now and if he'd want to see you, I'll come, okay?"

I slightly nodded.

Genya's pov

I walked into the room to see Muichiro and Kanao hugging "don't ever do something like that again, understand?! You could have fucking died!" Kanao yelled out between sobs.

Muichiro continued to hug her and slowly caressed her back while apologizing. I moved close to them, patting Muichiro's head "I am glad you're okay, you almost gave me a heart attack" I said, trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

He gave me a slight smile and pulled his arms away from Kanao, lifting them up towards me, signaling me to give him a hug. I smiled and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Where's Tanjiro..?" He asked. Me and Kanao looked at each other while Muichiro just sat there with a confused look "i-is he still mad..?" He teared up.

"Mui he's-"

"I want Tanjiro.. wh-where is he?" He said quietly, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Don't worry, he's here, Kanao can you go get him?" Kanao nodded and quickly walked out of the room.

Tanjiro's pov

I sat outside the room anxiously, suddenly hearing the door open and Kanao walking towards me "Mui wants to see you"

I shook my head "no.. I can't face him now, I feel t-"

"Tanjiro he literally started crying because you weren't there, he needs you right now" Kanao said while holding onto my shoulders "please go talk to him, I understand that you think he hates you now but no.. you are the only person who can make him feel okay again.. he needs you"

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