Chapter Twenty-one - Creeping Cold

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TW - death??🤨 , only mentions of self harm

Muichiro's pov

I stood there silently while Tanjiro checked my body, looking for any new cuts. "I see nothing new, good job Mui, I am proud" he said and I gave him a slight smile, feeling incredibly guilty.

I did self harm.. but in different places.. on my hips which Tanjiro never checked. Yes, he took my razor away but I found it, and Tanjiro didn't notice.

"Anything that has been bothering you lately? Anything you want to talk about?" He asked and I shook my head "no.. not really"

Tanjiro slightly nodded "alright, well is there anything you'd like to do? You haven't been drawing in so long, how about we draw something together?"

I completely forgot about drawing, it has been so long since I even touched my sketchbook. I slightly nodded and Tanjiro's face lit up. He went towards my bag and took out my sketchbook from it together with my pencil case.

He handed me the sketchbook and I flipped through it, stumbling upon a drawing of Tanjiro I did a while ago. I was wondering if I could do better but then Tanjiro said "I showed Kanao this drawing, she was amazed and sked if you could draw her, well if you want of course!"

When I thought about it, I nodded. I scrolled on my phone for some pictures we took with each other and saw a picture with me, Tanjiro, Genya and Kanao.

"I'll do this one" I said quietly and showed Tanjiro the picture. Tanjiro's smile grew wider as he nodded "that would look amazing, just take your time with it, don't get yourself burned out again"

I nodded and grabbed my pencil, starting to sketch.

After some time my hand started to hurt so I looked at the clock and "oh my god, I've been drawing for three hours?" I said and Tanjiro's eyes went wide "oh god you're right, I gave up in like- not even ten minutes in" he laughed.

I looked at his sketch and smiled "it looks good, you are improving"

Tanjiro stood up and started dancing. I laughed "what are you doing?" I asked.

"The best artist I know just complimented my drawing" he said and I laughed again "best artist? Slow down, I am not that good"

His jaw dropped as he walked over to me, grabbing me by my cheeks "you are amazing! And if someone says otherwise I will fight them!"

"Tanjiro stop" I giggled and tried to push him away but then he moved his hand to my ribs and started tickling me. I laughed out loud, telling him to stop but he moved his hands more up, close to my airmits where I was more ticklish.

He then stopped and giggled as well. I pushed him away from me and looked away, being slightly embarrassed. "Aww come on, no need to be embarrassed" Tanjiro said and moved his hands towards my cheeks, grabbing them gently once again.

Those three hours were the most relaxing and comforting hours I had in weeks. I was finally distracted by something and I finally stopped thinking about all my problems but the second I just felt slightly bored or just didn't know what I am supposed to do now, all those problems circled my mind once again.

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