Chapter Seven - The Day We Spent Together

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TW - prost1tut1on, eating disorder

Muichiro's pov

When school ended I went to class to get my things. The class was luckily already empty so I could get my thing without anyone bothering me.

I went over to my class, seeing my bag and books all soaked with water and scribbled all over my books.

I sighed and grabbed some tissues, wiping the water from the desk first. "Muichiro? Oh! I finally found you, ready to g-" Tanjiro said before noticing my desk.

I placed my books in the bag and closed it "don't worry about it, this happened many times already" I said and walked out of the classroom with Tanjiro following behind me.

"Did you say anything to the teachers? Or principal?" Tanjiro asked and I shook my head "no.. I mean.. well.." I tried to say but I couldn't get the words out of my mouth, it was like my body was refusing to open up to Tanjiro in any way again.

"We can talk about it later.. well, wanna go get some food now? We can get some sushi like I said last time"

"Ehm.. hold on.." I took out my wallet "how much does it cost?" I said while counting my money.

"Don't worry about that, I'll pay"

"H-Huh?? No it's fine, I-" I tried to say but Tanjiro placed his finger on my lips "shush! I made my decision, I am paying, now let's go! I am starving, the lunch at the cafeteria was pure trash!"

I giggled a bit and nodded, thanking him one more time.

Once we walked out of the school I checked my phone, hoping I saw a missed call or texts from Yuichiro but I saw nothing, getting stressed and worried once again.

"Tanjiro!!" I heard someone yell. I turned around to see Kanao running towards Tanjiro. She is a girl from our class, she is nice but we never really talked.

Right behind her were two more people, Zenitsu and Inosuke, two more guys from my class. Those two weren't really my bullies but they did make fun of me for literally everything I did.

Like calling me a NPC just because I spend the whole day at my desk, staring into my phone or asking me "how much exp did you get?" After everything I do.

"Wanna hangout with us?"

"Oh sorry I can't, I promised Muichiro I will hangout with him, he are going to a restaurant together"

"Oh I see, well maybe a-" Kanao said but got interrupted by Inosuke.

"Why are you with him? And a restaurant? Bro can't even afford new books to school, I doubt he will be able to pay for food" Inosuke laughed out.

I looked down at the ground, just wanting them to leave me alone for once, give me a chance and prove that I am just not a broke slut..

"Inosuke, don't say such things, he might have financial problems but it's not his fault. So don't make fun of him" Tanjiro said, clearly mad.

"Why did you change your mind so suddenly? Weren't you talking to his bullies y-"

"Guys, please, don't fight" Kanao interrupted him "let's just leave them alone, we can hangout another time"

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