Chapter Nine - Unbearable Bullying

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TW - bully1ng

Tanjiro's pov

It was already Monday. I walked to school together with Muichiro while talking about some stuff, mainly I was complaining about not wanting to go to school.

"Oh! I forgot to show you the finished drawing of Ryham!" Muichiro said, taking out his phone and showing me a picture of his drawing. "That's amazing! Man, I want to be good at drawing too!" I replied.

"You did well yesterday, if you practice enough you'll get better and better" Muichiro replied with a smile.

"I guess" I smiled as well and looked at my phone, seeing that our first lesson was PE. "Oh you have to be kidding me, our first lesson is PE!" I yelled out, clearly upset by it.

"Well, PE is now that bad" Muichiro replied and I just shook my head, saying "Muichiro, we have mister Tomioka, that motherfucker won't leave me alone, I do one squat bad and he's already next to me, yelling at me for doing it wrong!"

Muichiro giggled and replied with "well he's pretty nice to me I guess, my hair is just the problem always. He says things like "guys shouldn't have long hair" even though he has long hair himself. Or one time he talked about my hair tips, that they must be unnatural and stuff"

"He's a complete weirdo, no wonder he has no friends"

I could see Muichiro holding back his laugh "that's mean" he said, chuckling slightly. "Yea, like I care, I can brag about teachers the whole day! Only miss Kanjori is somehow bearable"

"What about mister Uzui? You don't like him?"

"Ehh, he's alright I guess, I still don't understand how he has three wives.. and why he's calling himself a god 24/7"

"Haha, yea that's a bit odd but I like him a lot, he's really nice to me"

Once we got to the gym, we walked into the changing room where almost no one was because everyone was already waiting outside, getting ready to walk to the running track.

"Tokito, your hair," Tomioka said, signaling Muichiro to tie his hair. Muichiro nodded and grabbed a hair tie, tying his hair into a bun.

While we were changing I took a quick glance at Muichiro. My eyes widened. His whole upper body was bruised and he was sickly skinny. I could see his ribs and spine clearly.

"Muichiro, what the fuck" I said, being speachless. Muichiro quickly put his hoodie back on "hm?" He said, probably being confused by my sentence.

"Your body is so skinny, have you been eating properly?" I asked, starting to get worried. Muichiro just shrugged "let's just go, everyones waiting"

I grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him back towards me "no, tell me right now"

Muichiro's expression immediately changed "I just.. I don't know, I just forget to eat most of the time.. it's really nothing" he replied.

I sighed "Muichiro this is serious, you have to get your body back in shape, no wonder you didn't finish your meals so many times we were together, because your stomach is refusing it"

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