Chapter Sixteen - Quiet Before The Storm

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Yuichiro's pov

After a while Muichiro finally fell asleep. I kept on looking at the camera, not wanting to leave the call in case something like that happened again.

He had a nightmare about me and it caused him to have a panic attack. I sighed and rubbed my eyes "my condition hasn't been getting worse but not much better too.. what if I.. what if I die.. what would happen to Mui?.. he's already not doing well.. a-and"

I stopped my thoughts when tears started to roll down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them but more kept coming.

I wasn't scared of dying.. I already accepted that there is a chance I will die.. it's not 100% chance.. but the chance is pretty high.

I stayed on the call and decided to text Tanjiro about this.

Yuichiro🤺 : yo

Tanjiro😼🤌 : woah you texted me first, it must be something serious

Yuichiro 🤺 : first of all, shut the fuck up and yes it is serious

Tanjiro😼🤌 : okay, sorry. So what happened? Are you okay?

Yuichiro 🤺 : I am fine, it's just.. Muichiro

Tanjiro😼🤌 : what happened?! Is he okay?

Yuichiro🤺 : I think he's okay now, he's asleep so that's good but.. he called me, he was having a panic attack because he had a nightmare about me dying

Tanjiro😼🤌 : oh god, is he really okay now? Should I go home earlier or inform my mother about this so she can look after him?

Yuichiro🤺 : no I think he's okay now but thanks… Well anyway where I am going with this is that.. there is a high chance I.. I will die and.. it doesn't really bother me, I accepted the fact that I will most likely die but the thing that bothers me is how Muichiro will handle it..

Tanjiro😼🤌 : no no no, I am sure you'll get through this! It's not 100% chance you actually will die, right? We don't need to talk about this stuff! You will get better! We will continue to pay your hospital bills! We can pay for better meds but you can't die!

Yuichiro🤺 : correct.. it's not 100% chance I will die but still.. if it happens just promise me to look after him.. I don't want him to hurt himself even more than he already did.. I am sure my death would be a breaking point for him

Tanjiro😼🤌 : Jesus, Yuichiro you are making me cry in class-

Yuichiro🤺 : oh, sorry- I forgot you have school rn, Muichiro is home so I assumed school ended for you too.. Well Mui said he went home early cuz he felt sick, is that true?

Tanjiro😼🤌 : unfortunately no.. he had ehm.. some kind of hallucination? In the middle of class he started shaking and crying, apparently seeing everyone walking towards him and saying mean things to him.. it stopped after a while, the nurse in infirmary said that it might have been due to lack of sleep so I send him home so he can rest

Yuichiro🤺 : so he fucking lied to me again

Tanjiro😼🤌 : I'll talk to him about it when I get home, he doesn't mean it in a bad way, he cares about you a lot and doesn't want to stress you, just talk to me if you feel like he's lying and I tell you what actually happened.

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