Chapter 3

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In A Game Of Destiny

Chapter 3

When the rickshaw dropped her off, she started to walk while carefully observing the surroundings. She held a small pocket knife in one hand and her pepper spray in the other, ready to defend herself from any danger.

Her attractive eyes swiftly explored the street, as she was making her way from the Calcutta University library back to her apartment alone. Her friend Meera bunked her classes today and went out with her boyfriend.  So she has to make her way to home alone today.

Her project guide had completely made her day awful. She recently began her final year thesis. But no matter what, he was a real pain in her head. After the classes, she spent the entire day doing project research in the library. All she wanted to do was get back to her house as soon as possible and resume her wonderful dream tonight also.

Although being quite exhausted from her project, she grew more curious to get her dreams.

Her man of dreams, Her Pati...

She brought back from her dreamland, when she heard a loud barking sound after crossing the road halfway. She came to a halt in the middle of the road. And then there were the dogs, barking and fighting furiously.

As she watched the scene on the road, her jaw dropped open. Her beautiful, round eyes widened even more in shock. She stood there silently watching the battle. She was afraid of crossing the dogs.

Near the garbage cane, the dogs were battling over the lone fish.

Before the dogs could become distracted and attack her, she began to move quickly from that place. If she made any noise, she would become their dinner for sure. In terror, she grasped her dupatta. She adores dogs more. But at midnight on this lonely road in front of furious dogs, her heart almost stopped for a split second.

She dashed towards the end of the street after successfully passing the dogs. She needs to cross two more streets to reach her apartment.

While rushing, she noticed a large amount of smoke in the middle of the road and she right away guessed it was an accident. She dashed over to the damaged vehicle.

"Hey Durga maa..." she clasped her mouth, starring at the terrific scene in front of her.

It was a car. The entire front of the vehicle was smashed. The car's parts were scattered all over the area around it.

There was a small movement beneath the car's hood on the road. She immediately pushed off the hood and dragged the wounded man a little bit away from the crumpled car.

The man had severe injuries. His eyes were partially shut. His bloodied face frightens her even more. She must save this man. Nobody could be found on that road. She clutched him closely and tried to wake him up.

She had seen him somewhere. But his face was not clear.

"Sir, Sir... Can you hear me?" She asked him by tapping his cheeks, avoiding her thoughts. Her eyes were filled with fear.

"Keep your eyes open, sir, please. I'll help you. Stay calm. Nothing will happen to you." She said. She was determined to save him at any cost.

Anirudh observed her face with a smile without blinking. Her voice, her touch did something to him. It pulled him back into a invisible world from the present. He held her hand softly and thanked God for sending her back to him.

He clutched her hand tightly, as if his life depended on it. He murmured something to her slowly, without even realising it.

He whispered something to her softly as she tried to keep him conscious. His blood had drenched his entire face. He had multiple scratches on his forehead.  Some glass pieces were on his face and neck.

Unknowingly, a tear escaped her eyes.

Anirudh was no longer experiencing any pain and was instead happy. Because she came back to him. He knew her well. She was his life, his lady.

His Bondita...

"B-Bon...Bondita,You c-came." With difficulty, he spoke to her. Her name sounded like a devotional song to the God.

Slowly leaning her head towards his lips, she heard his voice. Bondita? Her eyes grew wide.

She was startled. How did he knew her name?

More than that, the way he uttered her name was so beautiful. as if listening to soothing music.

"Yes. I am Bondita. Sir, how do you know my name?" While looking through her phone, she asked him.

Bondita quickly informed the ambulance. She was nervous. His head, hands, and legs were all bleeding heavily. His face was covered in blood, and her clothes was soaked in it. She tore her dupatta, then tied it around the wound on his head. She couldn't see his face clearly.

"Sir, please say something. Keep your eyes open."

She said while she gently wiped his face with her dress, without touching his wounds.

Anirudh gripped her hand firmly "Shona, D-Don't leave me again. I-I need you." He spoke desperately to her.

Bondita was shocked, when she saw his face clearly.

Anirudh Roy Choudhary?

Is this Anirudh?

In her dreams, she frequently saw this same man.

She was suddenly taken into a quiet zone in her mind where she was seeing him each day in her dreams. What ever happened therein. In her dreams, she virtually lived another life with him. He wasn't a mysterious guy. She knew him as her husband. Bondita was able to recall that name. This was how she usually mentioned him in her dreams.

Her Patibabu.

Bondita cradled Anirudh close to her without uttering a word.

Her tongue tied in shock. She hoped to see him in her dreams again till the last few minutes. However, she felt as though she had hundreds of arrows shot into her chest upon seeing him in real and in such a terrible condition.

Is it ever possible to meet someone who is not real?

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I Love you all...🦋

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