Chapter 2

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In A Game of Destiny

Chapter 2

After a long day in court and the hospital, Anirudh felt exhausted while driving down Kolkata's Park Street roadway. He shook his head to get any weird feelings out of his mind. He gave his phone a quick look. He completely forgot to let his father know that he would be arriving home late after the case's formalities were finished.

When he picked up his phone, he found numerous missed calls and texts from his fathers. Anirudh was aware of his father's concern for him. As he would put himself under more stress for his clients. He slowly reduced the acceleration, while trying to call his father. But the call failed to connect. He attempted to call him again. However, the entire network was down. He placed his phone on the seat and intended to get home soon.

But his car abruptly stopped in the middle of the alone road. He tried starting the car once more, but it didn't work. Anirudh got out of the car and went to check the front bonnet. When he opened the bonnet, a lot of smoke flew out.

"What the fuck?", He grunted and began to examine the engine.

Why was his car troubling him now, he wondered. This has never happened before.

Suddenly he heard a loud noise behind his head while checking the car.  Anirudh was startled to see the gigantic truck driving straight into his direction. He was got hit directly to his car in a matter of seconds.

Anirudh, who was perfectly normal just a few seconds ago, was trapped between his car's bonnet and the truck now. He took his hand from beneath him and held his head, gasping for air. In pain, his eyeballs rolled up. His body trembled in pain. He could feel the heat of the car engine under him. 

His entire body began to ache terribly. The truck backed up a few inches, quickly changed directions, and drove off without even seeing his condition. When he tried to move, he fell down on the road in front of his car.

As a result his movement, the front bonnet also collapsed on him. His blood covered the area like a flood.

He cried out for help. Unfortunately, nobody arrived on the lonely road at midnight. Time passed while he grunted in agony.

How long had he been this way? Anirudh was unable to guess. He was struggling not to pass out. His hand and legs were fractured, and the back of his skull was also injured. His face had several scratches. He was continously spitting the blood.

After a short while, Anirudh gave up on his hope. With the bonnet resting on his chest, he was just lying on the road. His eyes were forced to shut by the heavy blood loss.

His thoughts immediately began to replay all of the wonderful things that had happened to him, from when he was a child until now. His father provided the greatest care for him after his mother passed away during the labour. He never got remarried. His close friends, his work, and the joy he witnessed on his clients' faces when they received justice. A small smile appeared on his face and he began to count the seconds left to his death.

Suddenly Anirudh had a feeling that all of this had happened to him already. Like Deja vu. The battle for life, the blood, and the pain. All of it felt familiar. He felt as if he had already faced with his situation with someone else. An another person accompanied him in this pain previously. But who? What the hell was happening to him? Nobody was with him now.

He was unable to open his eyes, but he could hear dogs barking nearby.

Suddenly, he heard several voices, probably a girl and children. He wasn't sure. He noticed some unfamiliar faces, but he also thought they looked familiar. Still with closed eyes, he saw a beautiful woman. She was whispering sweet things into his ear while gently caressing his face. He felt at home while he was lying on her lap. She made him feel at home. Why? Who was she?

Unable to predict, he shook his head to get these ideas out of his mind as more blood ran out of his body. He heard her voice once more, but this time it was louder. He lightly opened his eyes. Someone pushed the bonnet off his body and pulled him off the road. The person who was assisting him was a girl, he guessed with the help of the his car's dim light. He didn't move his gaze away from her.

In his mind, he had just just seen her moments ago. Is she came out of his thoughts to help him? She carefully placed him on her lap before speaking.

"Sir, Sir... Can you hear me?" She asked him by tapping his cheeks. Her eyes were filled with fear.

What will now happen to Anirudh?

Who is she?

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