Chapter 3

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Falling In Love

Chapter 3

Happy Reading!🦋

Bondita walks enthusiastically towards Roy Choudhary's haveli. She was so happy as well as sad about what happened yesterday.

Finally, her Sakha Babu accepted their friendship. She was so happy. But he didn't accept her friendship, but Vaijayanthi's, which made her heart sink.

Because of this, She couldn't help but ask him several questions last night during their phone call.

Without a doubt she knew that he won't respond to her questions. But he was also aware, that his actions had caused her pain.

His silence was killing her.

Anirudh has formed an invisible circle around himself and is living in it as if he were dead.

During their phone calls, she could sense how eager he was to talk to her. But he was torturing himself by refusing to speak.

How cruelly this enmity effected her Sakha Babu, punishing him every day. He was not being himself.

Bondita climbed the haveli's steps.

Finally, she had made up her mind to tell Anirudh the truth today.

He needed to know about both himself and this Vaijayanthi drama at this moment.

In the clutches of enmity, he couldn't see his own life clearly. He had to see what he wanted in this life.

She must tell him the truth and make him understand what he desires in his life right now.

Everything was right in front of Anirudh's eyes, but he had to see his life as Anirudh Roy Choudhary, not Tulsipur's Barrister Babu, who was clutched by the enmity.

Bondita was dressed in a deep pink checked half saree, and her tresses were adorned with a jasmine flower, exactly looking like a South Indian girl.

Since she changed into Vaijayanthi getup on the way here, she was a little bit late today.

There was a serious conversation going on between Sampoorna and Trilochan Roy Choudhary. Sampoorna was standing next to Trilochan as he sat in his old chair in the hallway. When Vaijayanthi approached, their conversation came to a halt.

"Vanakkam, Kaka. Vanakkam Sampoorna Akka."

Vaijayanthi took blessings from Trilochan. He smiled with joy upon seeing her again today.

Vaijayanthi was filling some kind of oddness in the haveli with her innocent acts.

"Ahaa.. Come Baijayanthi beta."

"Baijayanthi, have you had your breakfast?"

"Yes, Sampoorna didi."

When Trilochan and Sampoorna saw each other, they both smiled widely, which confused and frightened Bondita.

"Is there anything special, Kaka? What makes you two so happy today? Tell me."

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