Chapter 9: Anirudh on a teasing task

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A SURPRISE!!! here I'm with a new chapter for you folks. Be ready to witness Anirudh on a teasing task. many of you will feel bad for Bondita. waiting for your inline comments in this chapter. pour it! I LOVE YOU ALL... 🦋

Falling In Love

CHAPTER 9: Anirudh on teasing task

"I just finished reading your letter, Vaijayanthi and I must say I'm very impressed!"

Within a split second, the colour had drained from her face. The butterfly sensation and the beautiful chills she had felt a minute earlier had vanished from her body, leaving her dumbfounded.

Bondita grasped her pallu as Anirudh's hands slipped even lower, up to her elbow, and attempted to turn her around. As Well As he longed, terribly, with all his senses, to see her face.

The young woman in front of him was none other than Bondita, his little bride. Standing in front of her and acting casual was a challenging task for Anirudh. He required a lot of control to stay calm and execute properly, as Bondita had been doing all these days.

How much he wished for God to bring her back into his life? In those lonely nights without her, how much had he cried? How badly did he want to cradle her in his arms once again?

But now, in the corner of his bedroom, too close to Bondita, there was a completely new atmosphere to avoid.

Bondita turned around, moving as if she were a doll with no strength. It was him who held her elbow and turned her around. Her eyes were squeezed shut. She lacked the courage to even look at his face. With each passing second, her system was being overpowered by fear and terror.

Anirudh examined her face while still holding her hands.

Her round face has become slightly more defined. Anirudh felt a little upset for a time because her cheeks had become less chubby, and her chin had sharpened. Her thick eyebrows were sharp now. He smiled even more when he noticed that her nose had also become slightly sharper-in fact, it has become even sharper, like a parrot's. His attention was drawn to her lips.

His smile was heightened by the recollections of the little Bondita devouring aat handia Rashagolla with the sugar syrup streaming down her lips and chin.

Everything about her has changed, including her voice, body, attitude, hairstyle, and attire... but her eyes.

Her eyes were the same as before, filled with innocence and love.

Anirudh kept staring at her, head to foot. Her body has changed a lot-in fact, more than enough. Her body has taken on many feminine features. Unaware of the emotional turmoil the girl was now going through, Anirudh began to capture her new look to memory in his heart.

He reached down to grasp her left wrist. With her eyes still closed, she gasped at his abrupt movement. But she didn't give any thought to where he was caressing her.

He gave her wrist a light touch, where she had tattooed their names. He caught a peek of her tattoo through the smudged cream.

Well, she's covering her tattoo with cream. Smart Bondita. But you no longer have to do it.

Bondita lifted her lashes to glimpse his face because of his silence. His smile caught her breath in her throat.

Why the heck was he smiling now? Even after reading my letter.

"Le- leave me."


Anirudh asked daze, while he was having fun in a fantasy world with her. Who knows, maybe singing a song or dancing? He has no desire to pull away.

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