Chapter 8

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In A Game of Destiny

Chapter 8

Happiee Reading!!
This is the longest chapter I have ever wrote.
And enjoy the double updates...

4 weeks passed in search of Bondita.

Anirudh was so driven to get Bondita at any cost following what unfolded in hypnotherapy. No matter if that's true or not, he began to believe everything. He believed that he had indeed been reincarnated. He also recalled everything that occurred in their previous lives. Moreover, when she embraced him that day, she said his name and also called him Patibabu. How?

Is she reincarnated like him or what?

While thinking about her, his heart ached more than his body. The one thing that gave him relief in all of this was that night's incident.

Her warm embrace

Her voice

Her touch.

His eyes were constantly filled with her memories, and that never came to an end.

Why did she embrace him only to abruptly leave?

His anxiety for Bondita grew more and more each day.

Other than him, no one saw her. At times, he believed she was a delusion of his imagination. not a real person. The hospital staff, however, said that they had seen a girl with me that day. She stayed in the hallway for more than three hours.

She wasn't in his imagination, then.

Where on earth did she go after that?

Anirudh continued to look for her every day under his influence, but it was fruitless. Yet, he didn't give up. He would never give up looking for her.

Every word she had uttered that night came flooding back to him. She knew him for sure. Or did she only say those things to calm him down? If she already knew him, why in the world didn't she approach him? He thought he was the only one who was feeling this odd connection. Won't she return to him if she felt the same way?

Every freaking thought about her led to a dead end with a question.



Anirudh has lost her again after failing to save her in their previous life.

Even if he came across her right now, what would he do? What would he reveal to her about their previous life? that she had committed suicide because he was powerless to protect her from those monsters. And he killed them all, as well as taking his own life. In the past, they both passed away in this manner.

If he reached her, what would he say? She won't believe him. Firstly, who would believe these crazy reincarnation things in the 21st century? She would think he was a pervert, trying to lure girls with ridiculous things.

While handling all these issues, his work also didn't fail to take revenge on him. He never wanted to affect his career with personal issues. But everything seemed to attack him at once.

Today, a team of recent graduates would enter the court as his juniors. Anirudh was going over a case file while waiting for the new grads and his junior, Kadhir, to finish the assignment Anirudh assigned him.

He heard a knock on the door sharply.

Kadhir, Anirudh's most trustable junior. He held a stack of papers by the door.

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