Chapter 6

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In A Game of Destiny

Chapter 6

Happiee Reading

Happy Valentines day...❤

Seven months later...

Anirudh was puzzled while waiting in the hospital corridor. Only God knew how he had survived alive for all these months. He was terrified by his own behaviour nowadays. His own thoughts were haunting him.

He would be called to enter the psychiatric room for his new therapy in a matter of minutes. This would provide him a better answer for his issues, as he believed so.

Anirudh rewinded his memories of the past seven months while repeatedly tapping his shoes on the ground. Those were rough times. He was not the same person he had been in the past. Since that night, his entire world has transformed. That terrible accident.

He regained his conscious back only in London. Within two days, he was evacuated from Kolkata to London. His father made no other choice to keep him safe. He didn't have the strength to oppose Vikram that day and reluctantly continued his treatment there with so many unknown ideas swirling around his mind.

Anirudh made a deliberate effort to learn about two things. First, who attempted to murder? With the aid of his juniors, he learns about the attacker within a short period of time. The father of those rapists was the one who organised everything. He originally intended to attack Nandhini, but shifted his focus to Anirudh.

As soon as he got back to India, Anirudh was ready to offer him his own flavour.

Secondly, the girl who saved him that day. After much effort, he was only able to force his mind to retrieve part of her face and her name.


Apart from that, he was unable to recall any details about her or even memories. His juniors also failed him. So, once he returned to India, he made the decision to get involved in that matter. He wanted to express his gratitude to her.

Anirudh didn't even tell his father about Bondita. Before that he wanted to know many things. He was asking himself so many questions.

Who exactly was she?

Why did she resemble his grandmother exactly?

Her name is also the same as hers.

With her, that moment seemed like bliss. However, the more he made an effort to think, the more an unknown panic engulfed him.

But how come he couldn't remember anything?

He returned to India after four months of therapy and rest in London.

It was merely the beginning of his problems. The real trouble for him only began then. 

He was undergoing more personality changes after his return. When it happened, he acted entirely different. He would lose his sanity.

Within a few days of his return, Anirudh started working again. The case arguments, though, made him feel like hell. During that time, he acted like a possessed man. He was only able to return to normal once the arguments were over.

He couldn't proceed with his cases. With so many thoughts racing through his head, his mind would black out. His body started acting on its own when he lost control over it. He experienced a sense of being under another person's control.

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