Chapter 11: Sampoorna Rocked Anirudh Shocked-2

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Falling In Love

Chapter 11

Sampoorna Rocked Anirudh Shocked-2

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What the heck is going on?

"Vaijayanthi? Bondita? Kya Anirudh?"

"Vaijayanthi is Bondita, Bondita is Vaijayanthi, Maa. And I'm going to marry her. Because she is, after all, My Bondita."

Now it's Sampoorna's turn to get frozen. Her jaw dropped in surprise. Anirudh finally cracked a smile. His eyes were welling up with happy tears.

"Bondita came in this Haveli disguised as Vaijayanthi. For the past 20 days, she has been coming here and doing many naughty acts. Every night, she would call to scold me. Do you know why? as I am close to Vaijayanthi. Badmaash Bondita! During the day, she came here as Vaijayanthi and did all kinds of crazy things to be near me. At midnight, she would accuse me. Why are you with Vaijayanthi all the time, Sakha Babu? Can't she walk properly? Why did you smile at her? Why Sakha Babu? Blah blah."

While talking about Bondita, his smile never left his face.

"All these days, I had doubts about Vaijayanthi. Everything about her- words, looks, and actions, made me think of my Bondita. But I didn't give much to that. She wrote me a letter about the alliance. And I got furious. I'm sure I'd reject this proposal as well. I even fought with Kaka first thing in the morning."

Sampoorna was dumbfounded as she saw his dreamy reactions.

"Maa, I was even ready to confront her and reject the alliance. Then, only Shashu gave me a card this morning that she pulled out of Bondita's bag.

"Shas... Shaswathi?"

Now what has she done? Almost sensing where this was going, Sampoorna began to smile too.

"Yes. Shaswathi. She only gave me the answer to my many questions. Maa, the card she brought was Bondita's ID card."

Taking the card out of his pants pocket, Anirudh showed it to her.

"Look, this is a Barrister ID. Her photo is also on it. See the name section, Maa. Barrister Bondita Das."

"This means that Bondita is Vaijayanthi. She's been acting like a South Indian girl all these days."

His happiness seemed to have no limits. His cheeks were wet with tears, couldn't control his emotions.

"I know, Maa. I know she's Bondita. Bondita, my little one. How brave she was to come here by herself. To win back her family's trust. But what did I do? I only hurt her when she returned to me. But, unlike me, she did not flee. She came back to me. She never gave up in her feelings or her love for me."

Anirudh made his way over to the couch and settled down.

"8 years ago, I... I gave her one promise. She can choose to marry me or anyone else when she gets back from her studies in London. I'll wait for her till then. She can choose me as her husband again, but only if she wants to."

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