Chapter 13- Will you marry me?

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Falling In Love

Chapter 13- Will you marry me?

Happy reading!

It was past dinner time, and Bondita barely stirred in her sleep. She had been asleep for about ten hours already, and in her dream, she nearly went to another universe.

The absence of Vaijayanthi nearly caused Kaka to torture everyone during the evening aarti. However, Anirudh and Sampoorna outwitted him by pretending Vaijayanthi had her periods and taking complete rest. That was enough reason to keep Kaka silent. Anirudh took his time planning the surprise for his Bondita, seeking the help of the kids and his stepmother. He was eager to show her his affection, and her long slumber was not helping to keep him calm.

Although he was itching to pull her out of bed, she was in need of a restful night's sleep to shake off her hangover.

When the clock struck 9, which looked like after a lifetime, Bondita stirred in her deep slumber. She reached out and pulled something soft to her, cradling it against her chest. It had the same delicious scent as her Sakha babu. Even after all these years, she was still obsessed with the same deep, musky scent combined with spicy citrus.

"Hmm... Sakha Babu, I love your smell." A drowsy voice trailed off as she mumbled, assuming it was Anirudh. She smelled him even more, a dreamy smile on her face.

Bondita's eyes flickered open to meet his face. But instead of her Sakha babu, a wrinkled pillow cruelly glared at her. She felt a wave of disappointment as her excitement sank. She tried to sit with her back against the headboard. She felt a sharp pain in her head. The impacts of alcohol and medication began to emerge. She gave herself a few blinks to get her vision back. It hurt like she had smacked her skull on the brick wall. It was the most horrible headache of her life, she had to admit. A searing pain shot through her skull each time she attempted to blink her eyes and light met them. She rocked herself, pressing her temple to release the agony.

However, with time, her surroundings began to register in her consciousness.

She wasn't in her room. Where was she then?

She gasped!

This was Anirudh's bedroom. His bed! How did she end up here? on his bed?

She gasped again!

She clutched her head in a death grip and peered at her state. She had changed into a different dress. Has she taken a bath? Yeah, Sampoorna Didi helped her to do so. She also recalled that. It all began to make sense to her in a matter of minutes. Beginning with the proposal in the morning, Anirudh's acceptance, her horrified reaction to it, listening in on Anirudh's interaction with Sampoorna, drinking vodka, shattering the mirror, Anirudh... Sakha babu... his reply...

She gasped again!

He was aware of her identity. That was why he accepted her proposal. He said that he loved her.

Everything. Little by little, everything began to come to life before the eyes. His words, caring, affection, touch, and embrace. She cringed as she recalled her outburst at him. She blabbered in front of him. Oh, God. Hopped around like a Bondita.

"Offo... Pagal Bondita, what did you do? She grumbled, "What will he think of me now?"

Bondita turned into a blushing red tomato in a matter of seconds. Thinking of how sweetly he held her in his arms and carried her on his shoulder, he said a lot and tucked her into bed.

A little, sparkly box was spotted on the bed next to her. It also has a small letter on it. Bondita turned on the lamps and reached for the box and letter. Even slight movements caused crushing ache in her head.

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