Chapter 5

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Falling In Love

Chapter 5

Such a lengthy chapter. I expect more inline comments in this chapter, so express yourself through words in the comment section.

Happy Reading...

Anirudh dressed up and dragged his feet downstairs lazily. He slept until ten in the morning thanks to the late-night conversation he had with Bondita and Sashwathi. He would prefer to spend more time in bed rather than working, but his responsibilities and commitments prevented him from making that decision. He had to practise sword fighting, get ready for his upcoming cases, and attend classes with Vaijayanthi, so there was no need for him to go outside today.

The only thing on Anirudh's mind was Bondita. He was gradually becoming more and more desperate to see her face, hold her in his arms, and share a life with her again. It became a desire for him that grew stronger with each passing day. These late-night conversations weren't helping him concentrate on anything else.

Furthermore, he was unable to reply to her. Only he knew how desperately he wanted to spend time with her, express himself to her, win her back into his life, and keep her in his arms forever.

He tried to think clearly, but to his dismay, his mind was not cooperating. Giving priority to the others, he was unable to come up with what he desired.

Between him and Bondita, the enmity was merely acting as a screen. He simply needs to rip it apart. But what could he actually do? He was helpless, and the only thing he could do was ignore her.

Anirudh descended the stairs while using a small cloth to clean his specs. He was wearing black trousers and a blue shirt with white stripes. On his wrist, his golden watch sparkled like a piece of diamond jewellery.

Even after all these years, he remains as handsome as ever.

Suddenly his steps came to halt, when he heard some whispers or voices. It was a feminine voice.

Anirudh moved towards the voice and entered the living room. He was completely taken aback.


With whom is she talking on the telephone? She's whispering, why?

As a Barrister Babu of Tulsipur, Anirudh couldn't help but think she was doing something wrong.

His gaze was fixed on her. He couldn't make out her words. He could tell by her expression that she was expressing emotionally. Her eyes were moist, and she shed a few tears.

His eyes widened even more when he saw her jumping into her place and showering countless kisses on the receiver.

Who is she kissing now?

Why in the hell was she crying just a few seconds ago, and now she was jumping around like a monkey?

Oh my God, this girl...

He was now even more curious about finding out who she was speaking to. He has many unsettling thoughts about Vaijayanthi's every move.

"NOO... ah..hmm.. No need Thaakuma."

Vaijayanthi abruptly spoke into the phone and then immediately lowered her voice.


This one word was enough to cause him to become immobile.

Did she mention Thaakuma? Is she speaking with Thaakuma? Why? Who is she? How is she related to Thaakuma? Is she also a spy from Krishnanagar? Or someone else? Moreover, why does she even kiss Thaakuma?

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