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Becky's Pov:

"Why?" She asked.

"I don't like it" I said making her looking at me confussed.

"Let's just walk together shall we?" I asked she thinks for a second and nod her head in agreement.

"Ok let's go" i said and both of us walked back to class.

"Should i give her this other green tea? I don't really like drinking green tea that much should i?"

"Here" i said and gave her the other green tea that was on my right hand.

"Hm?" She hummed.

"I wanna give you this other green tea, i kinda won the raffle on one of the machines in the canteen" I said and thank god she took it.

"Thanks idiot" she mumble and opened the green tea.

"Oh the school bully knows how to say thank you"

"What are you smiling at idiot?" She asked.

"Hmmm... Just you know the school bully knows how to say thank you" I said and sip on the drink.

"Whatever you say idiot" She said boringly.

"Hey I have a name you know and stop calling me idiot!!" I shouted at her.

"Oh do you? Oh sorry i was not informed that idiots have names" She said annoyingly.

"I hate you Sarocha Chankimha!!! I want to stranggle you to death tsk!"

"Done killing me on your mind?" She asked making me stop giving her death glares.

"Yes" I mumble making her chuckle she stoped walking and faced me making me confused.

"Hayss... Sarocha Chankimha but you can call me Freen" She said as she extended one arm to me making me smile.

"Rebecca Patricia Armstrong but you can call me Becky" I said to her as i shake her hand i guess this a beginning of our friendship.

"So friends?" I asked and she nodded making me smile showing my dipples.

"Let's go P' Freen were gonna be late" i said and i didn't noticed i was dragging her back to the classroom until we reached our seats.

"Can you let go of my hand now Becky?" She mumble while looking down i was confused so i looked down i saw my hands interwined with hers. I quickly removed my hands and take a sit.

"I feel my cheeks are burning why didn't i noticed that?!? That were holding hands?? And why she didn't say anything?!!?"

I took my notebook and my pens under my table and took out my pocket book that i always read if the teacher is still not here. I took my habit with me in my old school reading a book while the teacher is not here yet or theres not class. I'm reading a booked call GAP its all about a girl who idolize a girl who is basically older than her and they meet 10 years later and they started dating but in a relationship there will be ups and downs its a great story.

While i was reading my book some person came to me and took my book in my hands i looked up who it was and it was my classmate that i don't know her name was.

"What do you want?" I asked politely since i don't want to cause a sceen.

"Can you stay away from my girlfriend?" She said making me raised a brow at her.

"What do you mean girlfriend?" I asked.

"Playing dumb are we? Huh? Stay away from Sarocha Chankimha bitch!" She shouted and slammed my desk that caught everyone's attention.

"I just transferred here and this is what I'm getting? What the hell? And i didn't know that P' Freen has a girlfriend and how should i know  I'm new here!! And we just became friends!!"

"I'm not playing dumb dumbass" i said trying to calm my self down.

"Oh i forgot your the new student that stole my spotlight" She said angerly while me i was hella confussed.

"Yes, I am the new student and i didn't stole anything to you dumbass so leave me alone!" And raised my voice a little since im hella pissed right now.

"Don't call me dumbass book worm, I am more popular than you and i can make your year here awfull" she said scaring me thinking that I'll be scared.

I stood up and my sit the students were shocked and maintained quite.

"Do i look like i care if your famous? You can't bring that to heaven oh wait are you going to heaven? Oh... I guess not" i said annoyingly earning from a crowed a "OHHH..."

Making the girl infront of me fumming with anger she was about to rushed to me so i close my eyes but i didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and i saw Freen right in front of me stoping the fight between me and the girl.

"What the hell is going on here?" Freen said angerly making me gulp since this is my second time seeing her angry.

"I'm just telling this bitch to back of on whats mine" The girl said i just looked at her discussted.

"This motherf*cker" she was about to rushed to me again but freen stoped her.

"Mina stop it already" Freen said camly to the girl.

"So her name is Mina huh? It doesn't suit her psh it should be Satan tsk! And why is freen on her side?!? Don't tell me she thinks i was the one who started the fight?!??"

"Can you get this dumbass out of my face" I said annoyingly while freen just gave me a death stare making me looked away and regretting what i've said.

"Mina let's go" Freen said codly and dragging that bitch out of class.

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