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I was about to go but becky stoped me.

"Hmm.. i heard that you have practice today in basketball can i watch?" She said making my ears perked in an instant.

"Yeah sure i would be happy if you watch me play" i said to her.

"Okies^^ So see you later then?" She said and waved good bye to me and left.

I walked to where and my friends usually meet if morning class are done and go to our favor restaurant to eat Lunch. I already reach the parking lot and the three idiots are already here using there phones. Kade saw me and told the other two that I'm already here.

"Stupid Horn why are you late?" Nam said.

"And what happen to your chicks? Why is it swollen?" Kade asked.

"Me and mina fought that's why I'm late since i went to the clinic" i said making them nod.

"Let's go already I'm hungry" Nam complained and went to Tee's car.

Kade went in to Tee's car and Tee as well. Me and Tee we have cars and Kade and Nam as well but the two are lazy to drive so they made Tee as there driver. I got into my yellow sports car and followed Tee since the three are in one car and sometimes they change on where we will eat thats why im always behide them to not get lost.    

We reach our destination and the three went to a japenesse restuarant hayss.. this is why i like to be at the backed since the three always changes of plans on everything. I parked my car next to Tee and locked it so it will not get stolen duh, We went inside and the waiter guide us to our table and i saw a familliar figure it was Becky along with auntie and yuki.

Are table is not far form there's so its easy to see me and friends if Auntie noticed hopefully not hays... But what are the odds my idiot cousin saw Me and my friends and Auntie noticed it. My friends waved to auntie.

"Come eat with us" Auntie said i was about to decline her offer but my friends went to there table already.

"I will burn you guys to death when we got back to the campus!!!" 

"Freen have a sit" Auntie said and i obeyed and sit besides becky who is basically looking at me.

"What?" I said boringly as she poke my chicks.

"Hmp where's the Freen that i know just now, your grumpy" she said and pouted.

"She's gone" i said making her stop poking my chicks.

"Rip" i heard her mumbled and still have that pout on her lips.

"So how was your first day Becky?" Auntie said making instantly looked besides me.

"It was fun Auntie^^" Becky said giving auntie a warm smile making me chuckle.

"Wait your the transferee student right?!" Nam asked and Becky just nod earning a "Ohh.." from the two.

"Ehem... My name is Tee and yours cutie?" Tee said.

"Can i throw a water bottle on your face?!"

"Rebecca Patricia Armstrong but you can call me Becky^^" Becky said in a cheerful tone.

"My name is Kade^^"

"And I'm Nam^^" the two said.

"How about you Freen? Are you not gonna introduce yourself to becky?" Auntie said i was about to talked but becky was faster than me.

"We already know each other Auntie she's my seatmate^^" Becky said making me friends shocked and gave me death stares but i ignore them.

"Ohhh" i heard Yuki said.

"Shut up" i said giving her a death stare.

"Freen be nice" Auntie said.

"I am! I didn't even do anything" i said.

"Don't worry Auntie Freen's a nice girl^^" Becky said making me looked at her and making my friends laugh.

" I really want to strangle some 3 idiots right now"

"Btw Freen how are you with Mina?" Auntie asked making me gulp.

"We fought" I mumbled.


"Because she was about to slap Becky in the face and i don't want to cause another issue" i said calmly.


"You already know Mina Auntie she doesn't like someone to steal her spotlight or being close with me"

"Is it tru Becky? You fought with Mina?" Auntie asked Becky.

"Yes Auntie, I was just reading a book then that girl came up to me" Becky said.

"I'll talk to her parents" making me look at Auntie.

"Freen if i were you i will broke up with Mina" Tee said.

"I agree with Tee Freen. Mina is not good for you" Auntie said.

"I don't know" i said.

"Well its your decission Freen were still here for you" Nam said and patted my back.

"Oh Freen, I forgot next week your gonna be engaged" Auntie said making all of us looked at her.

"WHAT?!?" I shouted.

"Didn't your father already told you?" Auntie said.

"No dad didn't tell me anything about me being engaged!!"

"Well to bad now you know"

"But don't worry freen she gonna be a perfect wife for you" Auntie said and smilled.

"Hold up Wife?!? So its a girl? Cool but still wtf? I'm gonna get married to a person that i don't even love?"

"Oh its a she auntie?" Tee asked making Auntie nod her head.

"Wow congrats Freen!" Becky said cheerfully.

"What do you mean congrats?!? I'll be engaged to someone who i don't even know or love" sounded pissed.

"Oh.. sorry" Becky said making me look at her and i just rested my head on her shoulder since i need it.

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