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"I guess she's hungry huh?" I said in my thoughts.

"P' Freen" she mumbled.

"Hm?" I replied.

"I'm hungry" she whispered like she was scared on telling me something. We stoped since it was a red light on the traffic light and i took my chance to look at Becky and i decided to tease her for a bit.

"So? What?" I said annoyingly.

"I'm hungry" she said again.

"Here go to resturant" i said and handed her some cash.

"But were in the middle of the road" she said.

"Is it my fault?" I said in my strict tone making her whimper.

"......ok" she chocked, i quickly look over and i already saw tears in her eyes and thank god it was the green light already and i park the car side of the road.

"Hey, stop crying" i said and hugged her.

"I hate you" she cried as she tried to escape but i was stronger.

"Shush, I'm sorry i didn't mean to ok?" I said and rubbed her back to make her calm.

"This was not part of the plan Chankimhaaa!!!"

"You made your wife cry again" 

I slowy let go of the hug and whip her tears and peck her lips.

"I'm sorry beckbeck" i said forgivingly to her.

"I hate you" she mumbled making me smile bitterly.

"I love you too and I'm sorry Teerak" i said hoping that she would stop crying.

"Let's eat?" I asked and she nod her head making me smile.

I started to drive to our favorate resturant that is owned by Tee's family.

I opened the passengers sit for becky as she went out. I grabbed her face and whip the tears that i cause and peck her lips before we go in the resto.

"Wanna pick were should we sit?" I asked her.

"Let's eat at home P'Freen" she said codly making me sighed.

"I should not have done that huh?"

"Ok then beck beck" i said and grabbed her and dragged her to the counter.

"Good Evening Miss, what can i get for you" the waiter said.

"Can i have my regular here? That i always order" i asked and the waiter nod and type in my order.

"What about yours Miss?" She asked becky.

"Beck beck, do you want something" i said to her.

"I would like the same thing as you Freen" she said using her cold tone.

"Two order for each one please" i said and the waiter nod and tell us to find a sit and gives us the number recite to get our orders.

We already fond a seat becky was about to sit infront but i grabbed her hand and make her sit on my lap. I didn't care if people saw us or be discussted by us but i need my wife to forgive even it cause my dignity.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she look at me in the eyes.

"Hmmm... Nothing i just want cuddles" i said.

"We can do it at home" she said and was about to get off my lap but i placed my hands on her waist make her stop at place my head on her neck as i inhale her scent.



"Let me go"


"We could do this later at home"

"I know but i want you right now" i said as i felt her twiched.


"Hmmm..." I just hummed in respones as i rest my head on her neck.

About a few minutes are food arrives and i paid the bills becky help me carry the foods out of the resto and in the car. I opened the door for her and went into the drivers seat a drove off to our house.

Freen's Mansion:

We've already arrived at the mansion and i help becky with the food. I opened the front door and made beck went inside first then clapped twice to make the lights light up, so its not that dark.

"Welcome to my house, well i mean our house" i said and placed the food in the table.

"Your house is so nice P'Freen!!" she said making me chuckle at her cuteness.

"You mean our house?" I said as i walked towards her and put my hands on her waist as i slightly pushed her towards me, and i slowly kissed her lips.

I felt her hands snaked around my neck, i bit her bottome lip asking for an entrance which she allowed me. My tongue went inside her mouth, both of us battled for dominance but i woned, we were out of breath causing me to slightly let go of the kiss.

I placed my forehead on hers aas i felt her breath getting heavier. I just chuckled at her causing her to look at me confussed i pecked her lips before letting her go.

"Common let's eat, i don't want my wife to be hungry" i said making her pout.

"Awww my monmon is so cute" i said and pinched her cheecks.

"That hurtss mouuu!~" She said cutely making me chuckle.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry come here let's eat" i said as she sat down on the chair and eat.

"Its yummy" She said and i just chuckle.

"I know right?" I said and i look at her and she was sweating.

"Are you ok? Becky?" I asked.

"Is this spicy?" She asked making me realize that she ordered the same as mine and it was spicy.

I instantly went to the fridge and grabbed a chocolate milk i bought and poured it into a glass and gave it to becky.

"Here" i said and gave it to her and she drank the chocolate milk.

"Why didn't you say that it was spicy?" She asked and pouted.

"I'm sorry love, i forgot to tell you" i said and pecked her lips.

"Want me to cook for you instead?"

My Girl (FreenBecky Au)Where stories live. Discover now