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No One's Pov:

"Jagiyah" Becky whinned trying to get Freen's attention but the girl was focus on her game.

Then Becky started to whine like a puppy, and getting the attention of everybody because of her whine. Everyone found it cute while others are planning  to kill freen on why she didn't talk to the brunet who is whinning like a puppy just to get her lovers attention.

"Finally I beaten my high score!!" Freen shouted excitedly earning a sarcastically clap from the class, making freen look at them confused.

She look at Kade and Nam and the two girls pointed the girl besides her. Freen look over again to becky and saw her whinning like a puppy and almost tearing up.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Freen said softly and patted Becky's back.

"Nhong talk to me" Freen said causing becky to whine even more.

"Nhong? Really freen? She's your wife" Kade said earning a sighed from Nam.

"What? I prefer calling Becky Nhong in "PUBLIC" Freen said emphasizing the word PUBLIC in her sentence causing both girls to facepalm.

"Your an idiot stupidity horn!" Nam said dissapointed at her friend and look at becky who is still whinning quitely.

"Becky sit straight" Nam commanded and Becky obeyed the older.

"Do you love Sarocha Chankimha?!" Nam said straight forwardly causing Freen to choke on her own saliva. While people inside was waiting for Becky's answer and yes there shippers.


"You know Becky, you can sk-" before freen can finish her sentence becky cut her off.

"Yes i do love her" Becky said making freen blushed and making Kade and Nam smirked along with Yuki and Tee that were squealing in joy.

"Do you like to be called Nhong by freen? Knowing your her wife?" Nam asked and was about to be smack by Freen but stop by Kade, dragging her next to Yuki and Tee.

"Just you wait Jim!!!" Freen shouted causing Nam to look at her angerily and look back at becky.


"Well I'm ok that P'Freen call me Nhong and we are not married yet just enggaged" Becky said earing an "Ohh" from the crowed.

"Haysss... STUPIDITY HORN! COME HERE!" Nam shouted causing Freen to growled and went to Nam and becky and sat down on her chair and look at Nam.

"Do you love Be-"

"Yes, I do! I love her very much and i cherish her" Freen said proudly.

"And yes i'm ok being call P'Freen by becky" Freen said straight fowardly look at Nam like an unbothered Queen.

"Is there anything else you want to interogate Miss. Nam?" Freen added making nam shoke her head.

"Oh ok then, i guess that's all" Freen said and pretend nothing happen just now.

"Becky your girlfriend i s weird" Tee mouthed but Freen saw it and gave her death stares making Tee scared and went straight to Yuki and jake.

"I am not weird" Freen mubbled which becky heard it and chuckle and Freen's cuteness.

"Your not weird freen, its just you being you" Kade explained making freen nod.

"So when is the wedding?" Nam said making everyone look at Freen and Becky.

"We still don't know, Since our parents planned it not us" Freen explained and Becky nod earning a sighed from everybody.

"Ok class sorry I'm late" Ms. Nita said and everyone went back to there sit and started to continue there lesson .

"I'm going to announce that there will be a Anniversary Celebration in school next day and tomorrow will be no classes since you guys will prepare" Ms. Nita said earning a loud shout from the students.

"Ugh! I hate this" Freen said in her thought and laid her head on the table. Beck saw this and she place her head on the table and look at freen.

"You ok?" Becky mumbled.

"Yeah, i just hate it when this happen"


"Long story short, My idiot friends always put me on a love booth with someone"

"Love booth?"

"Yeah, like you and that person will be enggaged for 24 hours and do task together"

"Ohh that looks fun^^"

"Yeah, until it cause you heartbreak"

"What do you mean?"

"Back then my friends put me in a love booth and that's where i meet Mina my ex girlfriend. I thought she was nice and loving but she started to show her true colors, My idiot group advice me to broke up with her since they know that she was a gold digger but i didn't listen. And that was the start i was blinded by my action and became a bully along with her and my friends, the day i already have enough with her i decided to broke up with her" Freen explained and sighed remembering the horrible memories.

"Ohh... I'm sorry about that"

"Huh? Why are you saying sorry? Its not your fault"

"I just felt like it, Since I'm the reason why you broke up with Mi-" Becky didn't get to finish her sentence when Freen kiss her lips making her mouth shut.

"If my friends will put me back into the love booth, i want you to be my partner" Freen said happily while looking at becky.

"I'll be honored to Freen" Becky said and smilled at freen.

Au: 🤧🤧 i was crying while writting this ackk, it kinda resembled the Script that i made for our school project 🤧🤧 anyways continue😭🤧....

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