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Freen's Pov:

I reached the Armstrong recidence late, since i was cleaning my car and i was buying flowers for becky. I went in and i saw my parents along with Becky's parents, and i saw becky wearing a dress that really looks good on her making me in awe.

"She's beautiful....."

"Oh... Freen your already here" i heard my father said and i gretted them and also becky's parents of course.

While they were talking i look secretly at becky and i saw her looking at her parents that was on the stage. Not gonna lie i was mezmirize by becky's beauty and its sending butterflies to my stomach, her pointy nose her lips and her eyes were sparkling with little starts.

"Freen Chankimha stop staring at her you idiot!!! She's still angry at you!!"

My parents called us both to go infront i was about to take beckys hands but she went straight not giving any glances at me and making my heart hurt all of a sudden.

Time skip:

The announcement was done and we can do anything we want. I went towards to where becky is but she was talking to a guy?!? Again?!? I was about go up to her but dad called me adn dragged me to where his friends are.

"I hate you old man!!"

"This is my daughter compadre" dad said and i gretted them.

"Hello hello" i said.

"Wow you daughter is so beautiful" said one of dads friends.

While they were talking a excused myself and go find becky. I saw one of the maids here in the mansion and asked were is becky and she told me that she went back to her room.

"Can i ask where her room is?" I asked.

"Second floor and turn left" she said making me nod and thanked her and went up to the second floor.

I reached her room and knock on her door but she was not responding, i knock again and becky opened the door. She was shocked to see me but it turned upside down, i asked if i can come in and she allowed me.

"Ummm... Hey" i said to break the ice between us.

"What are you doing here Chankimha?" She asked.

"Well i came up here to say sorry" i said.

"Oh ok? Is that all?" She said.

"Nothing is coming out in my mouth what the hell?? Should i give her the flowers? Yeah i should"

"Ummm... Here this is for you" i said and gave her the flowers and milk tea and some candies that she likes.

"Thanks but you really don't have to freen" she said and placed it on her table.

"Ohh its fine since your my wife" i said full with courage.

"Ah.. right" she said biterly.

"You should go freen" she said and look at me.

"But i wann-"

"I'm tired freen, please go"

"Sorry umm.. have a great sleep then" i said and left her room.

I went down and i saw my friends in the mini bar. I went to them and they hugged me and congratulate me on the engagement.

"Thanks guys" i said.

"Are you ok freen?" Tee asked.

"Yep, I'm fine let's drink?!" I said and they cheered.

We drank and i can feel my body heating up but it didn't stop me and my friends. We moved are placed in the pool and we drank there and finished 6 bottles of beer and my vision becames blurry all of a sudden.......

Becky's Pov:

I was writting my notes when someone knock on my door. I opened it and saw karina holding freen on her shoulders i look at freen and she was drunk and almost passing out.

"Can you take care of your wife becky? She's drunk and your mother said freen can stay here for tonight" karina explained i just nod and took freen in her hands and i closed the door.

I placed freen on my bed and grabed some of my clothes so freen can sleep properly. I went back to my bed and tried to wake up Freen like i used to, i poked her cheeks or slapped her shoulder or shake her but its not working until i remembered something that will always work. I know she will be angry at me but i really need her to change her clothes.

I flicked her forehead causing her to groaned and opened her eyes.

"Who are you?" she said making me chuckle.

"Freen you need to change your clothes" i said and helped her up.


"Here wear this" i said and gave it to her but she trowed it.


"I don't wannaaaa!!" She shouted.

"Wow.... Its the first time i saw Freen like this"

"Comon its uncomfortable to sleep with that clothes"

"I don't wannaaaaaa!!" She whinned. I went to her an placed the clothes besides her and grabed her chin to make her look at me.

"P' freen please??" I said to the drunk freen.

"I don't wannaaaa! And who are you?!?" She said annoyingly.

"How can i handle this drunk freen?"

"I'm your wife freen please change you clothes now" i said and she nod and grabed the clothes and went to the bathroom which made me shock.

I waited for freen to finish when i heard freen calling my name i rushed to the bathroom and i saw her in the toilet bowl. I instantly grabed the water bottle on my mini fridge and gave it to freen.

She drank it and spit it on the toilet bowl. I patted her back and waited for her to finish, i guess she's sobber now? I said in my thoughts.

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