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"Don't hey us becky, what the hell was that???" Yuki said.

"Nop just walked me back to class that's all" i said.

"Ok? But whats with the kiss thu?" Jake asked.

"I don't know, i was just shock as well" i said to the both of them and they look at each other.

"Mon did you cry?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, Did you cry? Your eyes are swollen" Yuki said and raised my chin up.

"No, its just swollen because i rubbed it to much" i lied.

"Oh ok" the both of them said.

"Ummm.... Nop told me that if you guys are free, wanna watch hes practice later?" I said.

"Yeah!!" The both of them shouted causing me to laugh.

"So later? In lun-" i didn't get to finish my sentence when i heard my classmate squealed the three of us look behide and i saw freen kissing mina.....

Yuki's Pov:

Me and jake look secretly at Becky and we saw her tears escape. Becky quickly stand up to her sit and rushed out of the classroom.

I rushed to where freen and mina's table and grabbed Mina and pushed her making her back slammed at the locker.

"Yah!! Yuki what the hell are you doing?!??" Freen said and stand up from her sit and went to mina causing me to laugh bitterly.

"How about you Freen? What the hell are you doing!?!" I shouted at her.

"Kissing someone infront of your wife really??!?" I shouted making jake look at me worried.

"What do you mean wife? I don't have a wife!!" Freen fought back and kade and nam was between us.

"You both need to stop right now, you two are cau-" kade said but i cut her sentence.

"YOUR FREAKING ENGAGE CHANKIMHA!!!" I shouted making everyone quite.

"YOUR ENGAGE WITH BECKY!! YOU IDIOT! NOW SHE'S CRYING BECAUSE OF YOU!!" I shouted and rushed to freen and slapped her.

"Your an idiot for making your wife cry and kissing a girl who is a gold digger" i said coldly and left the classroom along with jake to find becky.

Freen's Pov:

"YOUR ENGAGE WITH BECKY!! YOU IDIOT! NOW SHE'S CRYING BECAUSE OF YOU!!" Yuki's words keep repeating  on my mind. "Becky? My wife?!?" She the girl?

"Freen? You ok?" I heard Kade and i just noded slowly.

"Do you both know? That I'm engaged with becky?" I mumbled.

"Yes and even Tee know" Nam said.

"I'm sorry freen, We didn't tell you because becky stoped us from telling you" Kade said i just nod.

I went back to becky sit and sat down.

"What should i do now? I can't even face becky, and Yuki is angry at me. Why did i kiss mina? Ughh!!! I hate thisssss!!!!"  I just looked down until the teacher came and becky didn't return to class.

Becky's Pov:

I runned to my secret place in the campus that made me felt safe and peace the Rooftop. I always spend my time  in the roof top even in my old school since i always found peace and safety in the rooftops.

I quitely sat down in the bench and let my tears run down. I grabbed my phone and dialed dads number.

"Papa Bear"

"Please pick up...."

D: Becky?

B: Dad...

D: Is everything alright sweety??

"Should i tell him?"

B: Yeah, everythings fine dad i just miss you guys specially bonbon. I lied.

D: Ohh you should come home later becky, your mom is gonna cook your favorate food

B: Really? Sure I'll come home:)

D: HAHAHA i should prepare a feast then.

B: No need Dad just a normal feast would be nice

D: HAHAHA if you say so kiddo, Anyways your gonna meet your wife later. Were gonna invite them to dinner.

"Ohhh... So I'm seeing freen later? Huh? Haha"

B: Oh... umm... Dad can you cancel the engagement?

D: I'm sorry my princess but i can't. The Chankimha already planned it and everything is all seatled

B: Ohh... Ok i need to go dad bye. I said and trow my phone causing it to break.

"8billion people in the world why her?!?!?"

"I hate you sarocha chankimha!"  I shouted crying my heart out.

I stayed in the roof stop for i don't know how long. I decided to leave when the sun is already going down, i fixed my self and i remembered i didn't get to see Nop's practice or eaten lunch.

I walked back to class and i opened the door and there were no students left. I saw my back and was about to leave when i saw freen infront of me with a worried look.

"Becky, We need to talk" she said and step closer so i step back.

"Not now chankimha" i said codly and walk passed her but she grabbed my wrist making me look at her.

"Becky, please listen to me" she said.


"Is it true? That your the girl?" Freen asked as she lets go of my wrist.

When she let go of my wrist i rushed out of the classroom and rushed out in the building and went in the car that my dad sent me.

"Driver let's go home"  i said making yeonjun nod and started the engene and drove off.

"Armstrong Mansion"

I already reached the house and yeonjun opened the door for me. I thanked him and walked inside and i saw mom with the maids preparing the food for later.

"Hey mom!"

"Oh sweety your here already" Mom said and hugged me.

"Yeah" i said.

"Karina, Can you take becky to her room and dress her up for later" Mom said.


Chat with me in the comments and to all people that who followed me WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

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