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Freen's Pov:

"Don't leave"

"I won't" i said since i don't want her to cry or whine like a puppy again. I sat back down and hold her hand as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled.

"Why are you saying sorry?"

"Because i-"

"No need to say sorry Nhong" i said and patted her head.

"I thought were done with that Nhong thing huh?" She said and removed her head on my shoulder and sat properly.


"I- uhh..."

"It's fine, I'm used to it" she said annoyingly.

"Hey don't be like that, its just i like calling you nhong sometimes" i explained.


"Love" i called making her look at me.

"Teerak" She said and smilled.

"I love you Monmon"

"Monmon?" She asked.

"Well monmon suits you:)" i explained.

"If you say so P'Freen" she said as she teased me with the P' in the last word.


"What? I am not allowed?"

"Haysss you are since im older than you" i said and patted her head.


"Your coming home with me later ok?" I said and she nod like a kid.


The class for the day was finished and me and the gang are cleaning up our things and the room as well. We can't leave it dirty like this we might get scolded by Miss. Nita on why the classroom is not clean. Miss. Nita is our adviser but she doesn't stay here in the classroom she has her own office along with the other teachers who are advisers as well.

Yuki's Mom doesn't like it when the adviser and students are in one classroom. Since it will be a disturbance to the teacher if the class is noise and it was a good choice as well.

While i was cleaning the window i saw the soccer team practicing for the game. Its been a week since the last practice i have with them, Since I'm busy with this all engagement thing with becky but it was worth it.

"I should go there later, If I'm done cleaning the classroom" I said in my thoughts and continued cleaning the windows.

About a few minutes cleaning the window and closing them one by one. I put the towel back on the locker area where we keep all the cleaning materials we need and pack our bags and left along with the gang and my wife.

"Tee, let's head first to the soccer court" i said making Tee look at me.

"Why? I thought your gonna help becky moving in with you?" Tee asked.

"Yeah, but i need to announce something to the team and I am the team captain of our team" i said earning a nod from her.

"If your going there let us come as well" Kade said earning a nod from the rest.

"Fine, let's go?" I said and they all nod. I grabbed becky's hand not wanting to let her go until we reach the court grounds. Where the team was and along with the Coach and Aliah the teams manager A.k.a Karina's Girlfriend.

"Hello coach!!" Tee said as she waved her hands getting the attention of the team.

"Ohhh there's my favorate duo" Coach said happily and hugged me and tee.

"Uhh... Let me go" i said causing everyone to laugh.

"Never change ey freen?" Jackson said.

"Yeah yeah shut up" i said boringly at him.

"So what brings you here?" Aliah said as she checking the list of players.

"Well i have a announcement to tell" I said in a serious tone causing everyone to rush and sat down on the ground and even my friends sat down making me shock when there not a part of it. Idiots.

I look at them, and took a deep breath before saying.....

"I'm engaged" i said making everyone quite.

"Ummm....." While waiting for there answer or feedback.

"Your engaged?" Coach said not believing what i said being engaged.

"Yes, I'm engaged already and Yes I'm getting married" i said calmly.

"YOU'RE WHAT!!??! SINCE WHEN?!?" They all shouted except for my friends and Karina's Girlfriend Aliah who just chuckle at the announcement.

"Yes... Suprise?hehe" i nerveously said.

"With whommm!!?" They all asked as i went to a girl who is infront of me and offered my hand to her and she gladly took it as i guide her infront.

"Well this is Rebbeca Patricia Chankimha, My wife^^" I said proudly.

"She's your wife?!?" They asked and i nod.

"Yeah she is, I'm getting married with her" i said and pointed at becky.

"Awwwwww" the team said and i look at them discustedly.

"Our baby is all grown up" One of my teamate said earning a laugh from everybody.

"True huhuhu, Freen already found someone who is beautiful than that witch huhuhu" The other one said and they all cried making me look at them weirdly.

"Yeah, She's better than that witch achoooo" Tee said and sneez at the tissue and fakedly cried along with my teamated.

"Witch?" Becky asked.

"You know, who it is Nhong"

"Ohhh... Wait ohhhh..."

I just chuckle at her cuteness and i look over to our coach who was holding a tissue while Aliah was besides him holding a tissue box.

"My team is weird sometimes along with our coach" 

"Ohh.. well there my friends and there my second family even thu there weirdos" i said in my thoughts while looking at them and having flashbacks.


I am back from the dead so uhh... I'll be busy since we have a flim project in school and I'm the script writter and director... So i'll be focussing on a other book.

And maybe i will not have enough time to update but I'll try my best to update for you guys:)))


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