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Freen's Pov

I place my left hand on her back and lightly tapping her back with my fingers while listening to Miss. Nita infront. Becky notice it and look at me and giving me her puppy eyes with her pout on her lips.

I sighed and bent down a little and pecked her lips making her shock i went to my original position while my other hand was still on her back.

I hope becky knows that was my first kiss and it will be an honor to be her first as well.



"I hate you"

"I know" i said and patted her head slowly and the puppy whinned again making me sighed and Kade and Nam look at us.

"You two alright?" Kade asked.

"Yeah why?" I said.

"We heard a whining puppy" Nam said and i pointed on becky.

"Ohhh..." Said the two.

"Yeahh... Just don't be bothered by it" i said making them both nod and faced front.

"I am not a puppy!" she mumbled.

"Yeah yeah... Whatever you say" i said and patted her softly.

About a few minutes the class ended and Ms. Nita left and its time for break time. I look at becky and she was a sleep, i told the squad to go without us and they already left.

I tap becky's shoulder causing her to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and look at me waiting for something.

"Morning Becky, common there waiting for us in the canteen" i said and she nod.

We both left the classroom and went to the canteen to eat with our friends. 

We already reached the canteen and Tee waved his hands to us. Me and Becky ran up to them and sat down and we ordered are foods, yeah the Montefalco academy has a service waiter in the cafeteria. 

"So how are you both?" Kade said.

"Doing good" me and becky said.

While were waiting for the food that we ordered. Becky excused her self to go to the bathroom we just nod at her and i told her to be quick.

A few minutes are food was already here and still no sign of becky. Making me worried all of a sudden since she wasn't back yet, i excuse my self and went to find becky.

While i was heading to the bathroom i heard a familiar voice shouting for help. I quickly run to where the voice came from and i saw Becky along with Mina's squad.

Mina was about to attack becky again but i rushed to them and block mina's slap that almost gonna hit becky's face. I look at them deadly and my dark aura is starting to show up again.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked them.

"Can you see?" One of the minions said.

"Yeah, I can see that you dumb shit is hurting my wife" i said coldly.

"So this is the reason huh? Freen?! That you broke up with me?!?" Mina said angerly and pointing a finger on becky.

I didn't have enought patients anymore and i grabbed mina's collar and slaped her. Making her minions shock .

"Stop pointing on my wife" i said and i was about the step forward but someone pushed me causing me to fall on the ground.

"What the fuck are you doing to my girlfriend huh?!?" Said the guy who pushed me.

"Can you see? Idiot?" I said annoyingly making him pissed even more.

"Wow what a lovely couple huh? Two gold diggers. I'm i right Kai?" I said to kai that was in a relationship with Yuki before.

"You son of a bitch" he said and punched me but i doged his attack and i kick his d*ck making him fall to his knee.

"Don't try me kai, if you want it to happen again what happen before" i said coldly before leaving along with becky and we both walk back to the cafeteria.

Becky's Pov:

"Don't try me kai, if you want it to happen again what happen before" i heard freen said before leaving and dragging me with her.

"What does she mean? That if you want it to happen again?" I said in my thoughts while looking at Freen that was still dragging me.

We already reached the cafeteria and we both sat down. My friends saw freen's dark aura showing and asking what happen.

"What happen? And where have you two been?" Nam said.

"P' Freen got into a fight" i said and look down.

"FREEN GOT INTO WHAT?!!?" They all said making me nod.

"Ok ok with whom?" Kade asked as she gave a water bottle to freen.

"To Mina and his boyfriend" i said.

"Wait Mina has a new boyfriend already?" Yuki asked.

"Yeah, and its your Ex the gold digger" freen said coldly while sipping on her drink.

"What yuki has a ex?!? How come i didn't know?!?..... Oh wait... Oh yeah... That guy that yuki was always talking about but i didn't get his name thu" 

"Oh.." Yuki said and sigh.

"I can't believe that guy is back again" i heard Tee said.

"Yeah, not to mention that he's in a relationship with Mina" Kade said and ate her french fries.

"Hayah.... Let them be its there's now you two eat already" Nam said and handed our food but freen didn't eat.

"Freen you should eat" i said.

"I don't have an appetite" she said.

"Then if you don't eat, i won't eat" i said making her look at me.

"Becky eat" she said in her bossy tone.


"Hayss... Fine" she said and started eating making me smile and started to eat as well with her.

"Becky who started the fight between Freen and Kai?"

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